Chapter Two

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It was 7 am, time for school
Kaminari returned back at 4 o'clock and caught 50 minutes of sleep before his alarm went off for school, and then he got changed
On the other hand, Todoroki arrived from his run around 6 am so he didn't see a point in trying to sleep and did his homework last minute and got ready for school
Kaminari got ready and hid his villain outfit in case "someone" decided to go through his things but being the dumbass he is, he mixed up his hero suit with the villain one and left for school
{Timeskip to when they're in class}
Todoroki was paying attention in class with everyone else whereas Mina and Kaminari were exchanging notes and giggling a lot
Aizawa snapped looking at them directly and they both stopped the giggles and looked at him fearfully
"Yes sir?"
"Care to tell me what we will be doing today?"
They both went brain dead for a second stopped working and Momo raised her hand
"Glad to know someone pays attention"
"Momo, explain to everyone what we will be doing today please"
Aizawa leaned back on his desk and looked at her as she cleared her throat
"Today, we are going to practice on Beta ground against each in teams of two"
"The Beat ground will be a city area today and point of this exercise is to see how we adapt our quirks to different areas so the areas will be different for everyone"
Momo sat down and everyone looked at each thinking different thoughts but everyone had one thought which to definitely not face off Todoroki, Bakugou or Midoriya
Aizawa stood upright again and took out a list
"I made the teams so it'll be fair"
Kaminari waits for his name and hears it in the middle
"Kaminari and Todoroki"
And he stopped working for a bit and then a million thoughts started to run through his brain
He turned over and looked at him fo see Todoroki and he noticed me looking and shrugged with a look that said
"Don't screw this up?"
Kaminari looked away with his face slightly red and shook his head a bit and leaned back on his chair thinking for a bit
They all headed for the locker rooms to change for into their suits
Kaminari headed for the locker room and opened his bag to see he took the wrong suit
"How I did mix them up-"
"Well no choice now"
He wore his villain suit and guys noticed and Sero walked up to him tapping his shoulder
"Yo, when did you change your suit?"
"Uhhhhh, since today"
"'s interesting for one"
"What do you mean..."
Sero pointed around Todoroki and Bakugou who staring at him and they noticed him stared and quickly turned their heads away both of them blushing a bit
"Yea dude, anyway, good luck with this thing?"
"I'm gonna need it"
He wore the jacket and headed outside leave and Todoroki and Bakugou looked at each not saying til Todoroki broke the slience
"Don't ever look at him at that way ever again"
He said with a controlling tone as he wore his suit zipping it up
"Why does it matter to you halfnhalf?"
Todoroki packed his things wondering to himself a bit
"Why does it matter?"
"Why do I feel this way, like I want to control Kaminari and him to be with me and me only?"
"Why does the thought of him being with someone else make so angry?"
He left the room still thinking and Bakugou fixes his gauntlets lost in thought to himself
"I can't help it, I'm catching feelings for damn dunce face"
"So annoying...."
After a while everyone was outside, standing next to their teammates and ready to go against each other
Todoroki saw Bakugou looking at Kaminari again and the feeling of overprotectiveness and control came back and he pulled him closer and Kaminari was taken a bit back but he didn't really think too much of it
Aizawa came out and the fights started in a bit till it was Todoroki and Kaminaris turn
They were up against Kirishima and Mina

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