I found you again....

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A new warrior is born! Legends say that he will lead the war and will save us in the darkest hours! But what will happen when the warrior turns out to be a femme? 

"But the legends say it has to be a mech!" A tall mech yells at the femme in front of him. His shiny dark blue armor started to move as he transformed and got out the room. The femme only sighed. "Don't listen to him, beautiful. We all know that you are on this world for a reason." The femme leaned and kissed the sparkling on the forehelm. Then she went out to search her angry spark mate. 

The sparkling only chuckled a little and smiled. Her optics were bright blue with a little green splashing in them. Her armor's colour was black with red lines through her little servos and connecting into her chestplate. Her digit were like claws. She was like her mother. The young sparkling was half Decepticon, half Autobot. The blue mech, her father, came into the room like a thunder. He picked up the sparkkling and went outside. The sparklings eyes closed as the light slaped her in the face. She saw the light for the first time. She giggled.  

"Why are you so hapy, mistake!" The mech's dark blue optics stared at her. She froze and looked at the ground. They began walking somewhere. She was some sparklings playing and running around each other. One of them saw her. His armor was red and white. His red optics stared at her and he smiled, causing her to smile too. She then heard her creators talk with someone.  

"Ultra Magnus, please be careful with her. She is a femme after all and she can't train like the mechs!" Her mother said.  

"I'll do everything I can to teach her without hurting her. The war hasn't started yet, so we have a little time for training." A really tall mech said. His armor was red and sky blue. He looked down at the sparkling and smiled at her. She only giggled.  

What was this war they were talking about? She didn't know. She will maybe learn, but for now, everything will remain a secret for the sparkling. "Let's go." Ultra Magnus smiled at her as he picked her up. She rested her little helm on the big mech's shoulder watching her creators shouting at each other. The femme fell on the ground and looked the the mech. He was angry for something. He was angry at the sparkling. But how can a young sparkling know that she is a mistake?  

And that is where my story begins. Designaion - ShadowLight. I was born to be trained and lead the Autobots in the war that started on Cybertron. I was a mistake. And I still am. My creators were embarrassed from me when they had to introduce me to the one and only Optimus Prime back then. His old designation was Orion Pax, but when he got the Matrix of Leadership, he became a Prime. I was trained by Ultra Magnus, the Second in Command, the old friend of Optimus Prime. My mother, she was a Decepticon once, but when she sparkbonded with my father, she left her old home. She wasn't as bad as my father. She always said "You have a reason to be born on this world. So do not lose hope and keep you helm up!". But nothing has changed since then. I was still a mistake. My one and only friend was Knockout, but he had to go with the Decepticons when the war started. I haven't seen him since then. I hope he was still online. No... He can't be online. I haven't tracked his life signal... Ouch! 

What was that? My optics were shut down. I slowly opened them just to see that I was on the ground. My left servo was smashed under the heavy metal of the ship. What did happen? How much time have I've been like this? Why was I smashed under the metal?! And where in the name of Primus am I?! I stood up, trying to push the metal away with my free servo, but that only caused me to groan from pain.  

Will someone help me?  


I'm born to fight! I've felt a lot more pain than this. I had to do it alone.  

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