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I opened my optics to see Megatron smirking at me. I only rolled my optics, but then he started to giggle at me. "What?!" I growled. "Oh, nothing, my femme. You will do just perfect for the plan I have for you." He looked straight into my optics. I only spat on him. He yelled in anger and his servo slapped my cheekplating. "I'm not your femme! If you ever dare to call me like that one more time, I swear that I'll rip your spark!" I yelled. The soldiers only giggled. Megatron laughed. "A nice femme, isn't she?" He said to his soldiers that started laughing too. I rolled my optics and looked up. My servos were tight up in chains and I was swinging in the air. Not good. I then felt a life signal. A life signal I knew, but from where did it come from?! "Starscream! Call the medic. We need to see if our new companion has any problems." Megatron placed his digit under my helm and started to move it around the cables on my neck. I gasped. I did not want his medic to touch me! I hate Decepticons. Except... "Knockout! Come here immediately!" Starscream comm-linked. My optics widened. Knockout! I thought he died back on Cybertron. I thought his promise broke. I... "Oh there, there. There is nothing to be scared of my femme. Knockout is the best medic ever. He will only have a look at you. I didn't answer him. I looked at the door and from there Knockout came with... Shockwave. I've heard about him. The scientist of the Decepticons. How nice! I rolled my optics. "My liege!" He bowed. Oh no... Knocky! "You've wanted to see..." His optics widened when he saw me. "You two know each other?" Starscream asked. I looked at the seeker and growled. "No, we don't know each other, Screamer." Knockout answered. What was he doing?! "Urgh! How many times have I told you not to call me Screamer, Knockout!" Screamer... hehehe... answered. I only giggled. "You think that is funny?!" The silver seeker glared at me. I started to laugh. Starscream didn't say anything and left the room. Megatron nodded at Shockwave and went out of the room. Knockout came closer to me and checked me. He looked at my optics and winked. YES! I knew he still knows me and loves me! Oh, my Knocky. I missed you so much! "She is fine. Now what, Shockwave? Shockwave?" Knockout grabbed his servo that was a cannon right now. "I'm just checking her too. She is strong. A warrior, I know. ShadowLight, designation." Shockwave started to talk and bla bla bla. I just rolled my optics. "Rolling your optics is illogical." He said in his monotone voice. "Tell it to someone who cares, creep!" I spat in his optics. Knockout was watching me amused. He had never seen me like that. Hehehe! I'm glad I could still amuse him. But then that Shockwave can make everything wrong. He grabbed me by the neck and pulled me closer. I yelped a little. The chains pulled my servos behind me and that hurted. "Hey! It hurts." I said to him. "Knockout, prepare the berth. In 2 days, these femme will be the finest Predacon." He let go of me. I just stared at Shockwave. Did he just say... P-Predacon? I thought they were gone! Oh oh... "Shockwave, I think that will hurt a lot. Why don't you give her time?" Knockout said to him and then looked at me with a worried expression. Not you too! My spark twisted again. "Your statement is illogical." Shockwave said. I rolled my optics. "Does everything around sounds illogical for you?" I looked at the mech. He stared at me with that one optic. He really is creepy. "Yes." He said. "So you are illogical too." I smiled. HE DID NOT SHOW ANY EMOTION! DOES THIS MECH EVEN KNOW WHAT EMOTION IS?! "I'll think about that." Was the only thing he said. Wow! Just wow! I'm stuck on a warship with a crazy leader, a stupid seeker and a mad scientist that doesn't even know if he is illogical too! At least Knocky was here. "Knockout, take her to your berthroom. We don't have a room for her, so you should keep an optic on her." Shockwave said. So, he was in charge now. Great! I rolled my optics again. Knockout took me in his servos, bridal style... I think it was called that. "Hey, Shadow. It is really nice to see you again." He placed me on the berth and kissed my forehelm. "Same think I can say for you, Knocky!" I smiled at him and kissed his cheekplate. "So what's up?" He asked. I started my story after he promised me to find me till now. "So you again had those problems?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeap! And I HATE IT!" I rolled in the berth. "I love you." He said. Knocky didn't said that in a while. "I love you too, Knocky!" I hugged him. He lay down next to me and hugged me, as his servo slung over my body. "Hey, where is Breaky?" I asked him. His smile faded. Oh no... "I'm sorry I asked." I kissed his forehelm. "No problem. You didn't know. It is not your fault. Now, go in recharge! You need it. Your right optic is red and only one line of green in it. You need to stay calm." He said. I remembered the words of Smokey. Was he alive? I needed to know. But I couldn't tell it to Knockout. Not now... "With you, I'm going to stay calm forever." I hugged him tight, placing my helm on his chestplate. "Good night, Shadow." He said. "Good night, Knocky." I kissed his chest.  

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