Thank you, Knockout!

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I just closed my optics. This was going to hurt... a lot! Then I heard the soldiers yell in pain. I was too scared to open my optics, but then I saw something. Not something, but someone. "Knockout!" I shrieked with joy. He was having something in his servo and it had shocked all these soldiers. "Come." He said and set me free from the wall. I hugged him so tight, I thought I broke some cables. He only chuckled and hugged me back. Then I froze. Predaking was watching me behind Knockout. "Umm... hey." I hided my faceplate into Knockout's chest. I couldn't let Predaking see me blush. "Wherever you go... we will find you. So we can be together and stay away from the war." Predaking said. 

I was on the top of the warship. The air was hitting my body and that made me smile. "I'll miss you." I whispered in his audio receptor. "We will see very soon. I promise that. Now go. I've got a few soldiers to check up." He smirked. I giggled and then transformed. I flew away from the ship, but something hit me in the wing. I screamed in pain and looked at my enemy. Starscream... I should have known that he will try to do everything to impress Megatron. Another shot came, but this time it was from Soundwave. He shot me in the chest. Another scream. Then Starscream transformed in the air. "Good bye, Shadow. Say hi to your creators." Then he aimed at me. My optics widened.

Where am I? "Hello, mistake." That voice. "What do you want from me now?" I growled. "That's not the way you should talk to your father." A femme's voice came from somewhere. "And why not? From everything I saw, you are the worst creators ever." I rolled my optics. I just found out that I was not in my beast form. "I know." Then the femme appeared in front of me. I turned my back at her. I don't want to watch her. "Do you remember what I always tell you after a fight with your father?" She smiled. I shook my head. Hello! I'm with a blocked memory! "I'm not stupid I know you are with a blocked memory." She rolled her eyes. Oops... "So, what did you tell me?" I hissed. She smiled. "When you were little, I always said that you were born here for a reason. You are not a mech, but everyone has a reason to be born." She smiled. "Remember these words. You'll need them very soon."

I opened my optics in shock. My creator just told me that I had to think on something I do not need. Great. "Where am I?" I placed my servo on my helm. It hurted me.  

Really, where was I?  


I jumped from the ground and took out my swords. I looked around. Then I looked at my wings and chest. Nothing. What?! I heard someone coming behind me and I threw my sword at him. "Primus! Keep those things down!" A green mech came at me. He was from the Autobots. "It's normal for her to throw a sword at you. You walk like a granny." A human was sitting on the mech's shoulder. I remember them from somewhere. Well, only the mech. Hehehe. "B-Bulk?" I transformed and bellowed with joy. Bulk smiled and then he placed two of his digits on his audio receptor. "We need a ground bridge. You'll never guess who I found." He smiled at me. The human jumped from happiness and clapped her tiny arms. It was hard for me to go through the bridge with my best mode on, but I was too lazy to transform. When I was on the other side, the mech named Smokescreen jumped on my neck, hugging me. I used my claw to pull him closer to me. I really missed him...  


Did I just... 

Oh yeah!  

My memory data is starting to function properly! Thank Primus! I transformed when Smokescreen let go of me. I started to play with my tail. There was someone missing... that tall mech with red and a little blue on him... Op... timus? Yeah, Optimus! "Where is Optimus?" I asked Smokescreen. "Shadow!" Someone yelled and jumped on me, causing both of us to fall on the ground. I turned around to face the white mech.  


Who was he?  

Umm... W... J... Yes, Wheeljack. Jackie! 

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