What? It's not my fault!

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"I'm unstable. I have to shut down." I said. Well, it wasn't that hard to say it, but yeah. Smokescreen just stared at me with his mouth open. Oh, Primus, don't freeze! "Not now. At least not when you are here." I said, turning my back to him. "Why will you shut down? I don't understand!" I felt him behind me. "I... don't want to hurt you. There is something I didn't tell you about my life. When I was a young sparkling, I asked my creator if they hate me. She replied me with the answer I did not want to hear. I felt anger in me and I couldn't do anything. My mother grabbed me by the servo and pulled me in front of a mirror. I saw myself. I wasn't normal nor my creator. My optics are blue and have green splash in them, but then... they were red. They had the green inside them, but if I lose control of myself... Look!" I pointed at my optic tha had red inside it. "If I continue to lose control, my optics will turn red and I won't..." I couldn't continue. I felt my whole body shaking in the thought. "No! You won't do that! I won't let you. Give me time. I'll show you how to keep control." Smokescreen hugged me. I just stayed there and I didn't want to move. "Thank you, Smokey!" I giggled. He kissed the back of my helm. "Smokey, huh?" I couldn't see him, but I knew he was smiling. "Got a problem, bro?" I turned around to face him and smirked. "You've been searching around the Internet again, am I right?" He chuckled. "You'd be surprised how much I've learned about them! I even learned things I will never EVER want to see again." I made a grimace that made Smokey laugh.

"Ep, ep, ep, ep! Where do you think you are going?" Ratchet yelled at me. I wanted to go outside with Smokescreen! But of course, Optimus doesn't want me to get hurt and told Ratchet to check me. "Nope. I won't come. I wanna go out!" I complained and made a face at Ratchet. That was strange. I've never did faces or even to complain. "Dude, you just sounded like Wheeljack!" Miko jumped from the balcony. 

Urghhh! Why him?! 

Why Wheeljack?! 

"C'mon, Shadow!" Smokey yelled from the open ground bridge. I ran so I could catch him and make him fall on the ground. Ratchet was trying to catch me, but hey! I'm younger than him and I'm faster! Woah! I just sounded like, what people call, teenager! Yey!

"Run, run, run, RUN!" I yelled at Smokescreen. We were running from Bulkhead and... Wheeljack. I made a prank on Jackie and Smokey made on Bulk. Hey, don't look at me! It was Smokescreen idea! I just helped him... sort of! "Come here, you little..." Jackie yelled at me. I was faster, that was a plus. If he catches me, it will be my end. Hehehehe! I'll leave the world laughing. So here is what happened. I followed Smokey into the forest and we saw Bulkhead and Wheeljack throwing the metal ball around. I rolled my optics. The game was dull, but wreckers play it. Smokescreen chuckled. I looked at him confused. He had an idea. Oh, I know him from how much time and I already know his ideas are going to make a really big trouble. "You have that holoform, don't you?" He asked. I only nodded. "Here's the plan." And he started to explain. I had to use my holoform to buy paint. Lots of paint. I bought the colours I thought will be hilarious. A baby pink and a baby purple. I deactivated my holoform when I got to Smokey. "Got them?" He asked. I transformed and smirked. He winked at me. Now it was his turn. He tripped from the cliff we were hiding and pretended to be hurt. I couldn't resist, but to laugh. He made his servo look like broken. I then saw Wheeljack's face. Ahaahaha! It was the best face ever. I just wished Miko was there and take a picture. His optics were wide and his mouth was open. He started to move his servos to Smokey, still with the grimace. Then Smokescreen started to laugh. "NOW!" He yelled, laughing. I jumped from the clif, throwing the baby pink pain at Jackie. Smokescreen had his baby purple bucket of paint behind him and threw it at Bulkhead. I jumped next to Smokescreen and we both started to laugh like idiots. "Hey... Jack-kie... you... look... sweet." I couldn't say my sentence right! I was laughing and I couldn't stop. "I could say the same for Bulkhead." Smokey fell on the ground, laughing. I saw their faceplates turning red from anger. "Oh, oh..." I backed up a little. They started to run to us and I yelled. "RUN!" But when I turned to see Smokescreen, he was already gone. "If they don't kill you, I swear that I will, Smokey!" I ran after him.  

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