It's just a dream.

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I was on Cybertron! But how? "It's not how, but who." A voice said. "Show yourself!" I hissed. I turned around and from the shadows came a femme... P-Predacon?! "You are the Predacon from Shockwave's cave!" I yelped in surprise. "Yes, that's me. You saved me." She smiled at me. "Shadow! You have to remember who you really are!" She continued and grabbed me by the shoulders.  

Again that name! I'm not Shadow! 


"You have a mistake. I would remember if I was Shadow..." I stopped. If the pain in the processor didn't stop me from that! "Tell me what you know!"I hissed. "Your data was blocked by Shockwave so you don't remember who are the Autobots, who you are!" She said and pointed at two young sparklings. "This is you! You are the femme! The mech is Knockout! You have to remember!" She shook me. I just stared at the femme behind the Predacon. I wasn't like her. Her armor was black and had red lines. Her optics were diferent too! Only... the swords! She had bells on them like mine. "The bells..." I pointed at the little femme back there and the Predacon in front of me smiled. "Those bells were your present from Knockout." She said. 


*KNOCKY!* My mind screamed.  

I fell on the ground and grabbed my helm. "I can't! The pain!" I cried. "You have to fight it! You are a warrior!" The femme sat next to me. *Mistake...* A voice said. Then I remembered something. My creators! My father used to call me mistake! "But I'm also a mistake!" I saw how an energon tear fell on my leg. "I wish this part you could not remember! It brings you pain and anger. That causes you to lose control. Your body is unstable. Shockwave did someething on you and you are calm right now, but the next time you lose control, it will be your last. You will shut down." The Predacon said. Unstable? I remember something! Shockwave said to Megatron that my body is unstable. "Do you believe me?" The femme placed her servo on mine. Do I believe her? I'm not sure. I don't even know how I got on Cybertron! "How did we get here? I thought Cybertron died." I said. The femme only giggled. "You are in your dream silly!" She said. M-My dream? So she could not even exist! So I couldn't trust her? 

Or could I?  

Gah! That's too hard to think about. Well, since I was here and the Predacon femme was here, it wouldn't be a problem if I asked her the main question. "Wheeljack?" Yeah, great question Shadow! Shadow? I was Bolt... Why did I say Shadow? Urghh! The pain again! "He is worried about you. Ever since you were in the Autobot base." She said. "I can't remember!" I said to her. Why couldn't she understand that I could not remember anything, because it brings me pain?! "Just rememer this. The Autobots love you. They are your family." She smiled. "They are my enemy! How can I believe you?!" I hissed. She smirked. "I'm your sister after all. We share the same CNA."  

Same CNA?!?!  

This is going not in the way I thought it will go!  


I don't remember having a sibling! Kinda think of it, I don't remember even who am I! Hehe. Only my creators faceplates. I remember my mother's optics and my father's too.  

We were now in another dream or something. Shadow was talking Knockout and a blue mech. "Who is the blue mech?" I asked the femme. "And hey, I didn't catch your name!" I smiled. She giggled. "Sorry I didn't tell you. My designation is Gala. And that mech is Breakdown. He was not your closest friend, but you liked him." Gala said. "How come you have access to my data and I don't?!" I rolled my optics. "I'm your sibling in some kind. I have a bond with you from the first minute we met back at the cave." Gala smiled. "Now watch!" She pointed at the young femme there. I was watching everything. Shadow was talking to her friends Knockout and Breakdown and then comes that white mech, Wheeljack. "But he is different here!" I whined. "And? You too are different now!" Gala giggled. "Hahaha. Very funny. Make fun of the femme that doesn't even know how she got with the Decepticons." I rolled my optics. "That's why I am here! To help you." Gala smiled and hugged me. Wow. 

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