New things.

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I was next to Ratchet, slowly stretching myself. Optimus Prime was gone somewhere, but I didn't want to disturb him. The human forms were playing something with their guardians. They noise they were making was too loud for my audio receptors. "Can you stop making that noise?!" I yelled. They froze immediately when they heard my voice. Rafael, the youngest human here, was playing with something yellow that moved in circles. "What is that supposed to be?" I pointed at the thing. Rafael laughed a little and then stopped when he saw my cold optics. "It's a car. Well, car with a remote control." He pointed at the control stick in his little servo. I'll never understand humans. That's for sure. I was interested who was the new Autobot coming, even though I didn't show any emotion on my faceplate. "She's just like Ratchet and Optimus." I heard the little human femme whisper in the mech next to her. "Yeah. That's why I don't want to mess with her. She is kinda creepy." The mech replied back. Creepy? What was that strange word? I've never heard of it. "Ratchet, can I use your computer for a second... sir?" I almost forgot to say the word when I asked him. He looked at me. Then he nodded and made me some space in front of the computer. I searched the word "creepy". And I didn't like the results of my searching. Where was Optimus? I needed to talk to him about these little humans. I hated them! Rafael... he was a good mech, so he is not counted. "Look who is back!" Bulkhead clapped with his servos. I looked in his direction and saw Optimus and a new mech. He had his insignia on his shoulder. He was from the Elite Guards?! Woah. "Hello." Arcee said. "Sup?" The human girl, Miko said. "Hey!" Rafael and Jack, the taller mech, said together. "Hi!" Bulkhead said. Ratchet only smiled. "Greetings." I said, showing no emotion on my faceplate... again! Pff... who needed emotions?! They were for the weakest. I'm not weak... I think so... 

The mech in front of me smiled. His armor colour was mostly white, but had blue in the middle of his chestplate. He had his red Autobot insignia on his chestplate too. There were two red lines on his helm too. He was young. "I'm Smokescreen!" He smiled. "This is my team, Smokescreen. This is Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee. They are the guardians of our friends from this planet." Optimus pointed at Jack, Miko and Rafael. "This is Ratchet, he is our medic. And this is ShadowLight. " He pointed at me. I only rolled my optics and stood up from my place. "Nice to meet you, Smokescreen." I said. He smiled at me and came closer. I stepped back. "What?" I asked him. He came closer at me and wrapped his servos around me. 

What was he doing?  

What was that?  

"You've never been hugged, am I right?" He smiled, closing his one optics and opening it again. What was that again?  

Then the word "hug" came in like a thunder in my processor. Knockout was the only one that hugged me like that. And Ultra Magnus. I pushed him away and went into my berthroom. "I don't need someone to bring my memories back!" I yelled and punched the metal wall. It made a hole inside it and I think one of my cables broke. "Urgh!" I growled. "And I assume you don't show your emotions often?" That voice... "What do you want?!" I hissed at Smokescreen. He came closer. 

And closer. 

And closer... 

Then he hugged me.  

A warm hug. I... smiled. I smiled! Hah! Never thought that a hug will make me smile after so many time! "I just want to be your friend." He said when he let go of me. "I've... never had real friends. Not since Cybertron..." I froze. I didn't want to remember. Why? Why was he asking me? It was my most painful memory! "Who was your friend?" Smokescreen asked and backed away a little. He was scared of me. It took me several minutes to answer him his question. "Ultra Magnus and... Knockout!" I said. I was staring at the ground by that time and when I looked at him, his optics were wide. "You scared of him?" I was showing no emotions. "No, no... it's just... I saw him then. He was a Decepticon! How can a Decepticon like him be your friend?" He asked me, waiting and demanding for answer. I shook my helm. "It's complicated. My story is long, so if you want to listen, place your aft on the berth and sharp your audio receptors." I pushed him. And I began with my story. How I was born, why was I born, that I was a mistake, Ultra Magnus, Knockout, the fight with Wheeljack, everything.  

When I ended my story, I slowly pushed myself away from the wall I was leaning and went in front of a mirror. It was me in front of it. I looked at my paint-job. It was still my old armor. Black with red lines from my servos to my chestplate. The red Autobot insignia was on both of my shoulders. I was tired now. I needed rest. I asked Smokescreen to leave the berthroom so I could recharge. I went to my berth and and lay on it. I closed my optics, wanting the day to end. I think that Smokescreen will help me get out of my shell. I don't know. I'm scared. But from what?

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