Family keeps us strong.

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I opened my optics slowly and I saw Shockwave working on something on my servos. "Hmph?" I couldn't speak. I was so tired. My body was weak. Shockwave was working on me 4 days! I just closed my optics, wishing everything was a nightmare and that I'll soon wake up, but somethings don't happen the way we want to. "I see you are awake again, Bolt!" Megatron's voice came from behind me. I only growled. He smirked when he came in front of me. "Such a beautiful femme... Why did you make us lock you here?" Megatron placed his servo on my chestplate. I tried to move, but Shockwave had pinned my servos on the berth. Great! "My liege, can I please get out? I need some rest and a nice walk to stretch my body. I promise I won't do anything." I said. Please say yes. "I'm not sure. What is your designation?" He asked me. I don't know anymore. I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. "Shockwave, did you check her memory data and fix it?" Megatron turned around to face the mech with one optic. "Affirmative." That voice Shockwave had. It makes your whole body shake in fear. "And when will everything start?" Megatron smirked. Shockwave pointed at the screen behind him. What was that? "You can go." He laughed.  


"Umm... thanks... I guess..." I tried to get up and fell on my faceplate. Scrap! I hate Shockwave. 

I asked Soundwave if could bridge me somewhere away from the warship. I needed my time to think. I wonder what Gala is up to...  

Wheeljack... I need to see him. I don't know hwy, but I need to.  

While I was walking I heard some sirens coming from the other end of the road. I transformed and flew to there. I saw a car that had something on its top. It was glowing in some blue and red. There were two more cars that had crashed in each other. I saw there were humans watching too. I transformed and sat on the ground near those humans. I was near them, but I also couldn't be seen. There was fire coming from one of the crashed cars. One of the young humans started to scream. It had saw me somehow... How? I transformed and clapped my wings hard. Humans started screaming and one of them had something in it's hand. I couldn't see what was it, but I didn't care so much. "Alien! Go away!" One of the humans shouted. The others started throwing little rocks at me. "I won't hurt you!" I tried to say, but it was in my beast mode... so, yeah, it didn't gave the results I wanted. I clapped with my wings again and soon I was away from those humans. I saw an energon mine underneath me and I transformed in the air. Mistake. I fell on my faceplate... again! "Ouch!" I mumbled. I heard a chuckle from behind me and I immediately turned around. "Autobots." I rolled my optics. "Aren't you happy to see us?" A voice came behind me. I turned around to face Wheeljack. My spark flipped, jumped and did so much things that it never did. Why? Why was I so attracted in that mech? 

Was I in love with him?  

Did he love me too?  

I shaked my helm. I didn't have to think about that. "I... I'm not one of you! Why should I be happy?" I glared at Wheeljack. He only giggled. "Because you are one of us. Don't you remember... Shadow?" That mech, Smokescreen came next to me. I was about to speak, but a something started to move around my body. I fell on the ground and started screaming. I grabbed my helm and closed my optics. I could sense everyone watching me, but kinda think of it... I did not care about it.  

*Kill them! Destroy the Autobots!* Megatron's voice buzzed through my processor. *What are you waiting for?! Stand up and kill them! That's an order.* He continued.  

My body started moving by itself. My optics started opening and when I opened them, I had to kill. I pulled my swords out and attacked the mech in front of me. "Hey! What's going on with her, Ultra Magnus?!" He yelled at the other one. "Destroy the Autobots! That's an order!" I said and transformed, leaving my swords. I tried to attack them with my claw, but they were fast. Scrap! I then felt something hitting me in the faceplate, sending me a few metres away. I saw that the mech with blue and red armor had a hammer in his servos. Maybe that was the thing that sended me a few metres. Hmph! What was that sound? It sounded like a jet! Starscream... no... it can't be him... Soundwave? No, he would have sended Laserbeak first. 

Transformers Prime: In love with a wrecker?!Where stories live. Discover now