Darkest hour.

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"Wheeljack!" I yelled. I woke up alone. I remember I was with Wheeljack. Where did he go?! "Shadow to base. Do you read me?" I comm-linked. Nothing.  

Where are they?!  

I felt pain in my spark. "Wheeljack... no!" I stood up from the ground. It was raining so everything was wet. I was dirty, but I didn't care. "Megatron..." I growled and transformed. I knew where they were. To save Ratchet and Cybertron from Megatron. There was water in my optics because of the rain, but that didn't stop me from finding the Nemesis. I was so close to it when three soldiers started to shoot at me. I've never used my flame, but I think it came in hand when I needed it. The soldiers were now falling to the ground.  

Wheeljack. Be okey, please.  


I was on the top of the ship and then I transformed. I placed my servo on my back so I can pull the swords, but they weren't there! I'm so going to kill the bot that took them. I jumped inside the ship and I was in the corridor, full of soldiers. "Scrap." I muttered. They started to attack me. Great. I used my claws to slice half of the soldiers, but what can I do with the other part? Think Shadow! Think! "Catch!" Knockout shouted and threw at me a metal stick. It had electricity around it and I smirked. "Hey, Decepticons. Want me? Catch me!" I yelled. They again attacked and I used the stick. It did a great job. "Knocky!" I jumped at him. He kissed my forehelm and looked at my optics. "I see you have your blue back." He smiled. I froze. My b-blue... it was here. But I was a Predacon... I had pink... not blue... 

"Let's go. The Autobots are here. They are in fight." Knockout pulled me through the corridor. "Ah. What a nice surprise. Nice to see you Bolt. I thought we deactivated you when you escaped." Starscream said behind us. I turned around to face him. I had to protecct Knockout. He was my family. He was special to me. The only one that didn't betray me back on Cybertron. "Starscream. Go away before I rip your spark." I growled. He laughed. "I don't believe you will have that chance... Shadow." He smirked. I started to get angry. "Shadow, don't!" Knocky yelled, but it was too late. I jumped at Starscream to attack him. I was blind. I was stupid. Starscream shot me near the spark and I fell on the ground. "Now. Let's rip that spark of yours. You do not need it. You were a mistake. Mistakes doesn't deserve to live." Starscream opened my spark chamber. "Knockout. Run! NOW!" I shouted. Knocky ran away. I did not want Starscream to hurt him. I don't want anyone to touch my family.  

Starscream's optics widened. "Megatron. My liege, it appears our Shadow has a spark mate. We need to destroy every Autobot." Starscream comm-linked. I closed my optics and fell into darkness.

"Wake up!" Someone was shouting. My body hurted. I did not want to wake up. I needed to die. "C'mon Shadow! Wake up!" Again shouting. "Go away!" I whined and started to move my servos in the air so I can hit the bot that was shouting. "Miko, there is absolutely no use of waking her up. She is hurted." Jack said.  

The humans were here!  

I jumped from the ground and looked at the ground. There were here. But Miko was with the Apex armor. She was taller from Jack right now. "What are you doing here?" I tried to keep my balance, but I couldn't. I fell on the ground and placed my servo on the wound I had from Starscream. "We trapped Soundwave in a Shadowzone." Miko yelled. Jack only smiled. "Soundwave, where? I... Urgh... Never mind. Are the Autobots okey? Is Knockout okey?" I tried to stand up, but my legs were weak. "They are fighting. They need your help. Starscream came in the control room where Soundwave was before we kicked him in the Shadowzone. Now, he is trying to help Shockwave and Megatron. And why do you ask about Knockout?" Jack stared at me. "Long story. Knockout is my family and yeah. Kinda complicated. Where are the Autobots?" I asked. Miko told me where they were and I stood up, trying to get balance. "You can't go! You are weak!" Jack yelled.  

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