Am I a Predacon or not?

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A red mech came in front of the cage I was. "Shadow! Are you okey?" He asked me and opened the cage. I was just staying there and watching him. Who was he? "What's wrong?" He asked me. "Who are you? Who am I? I knew you... yesterday..." I said to him and stood up. Yesterday there was this mech with one optic that came and said something. I knew everything and then forgot everything. Who was he? "That aft!" The red mech squeezed his digits into a fist. "I request your designation!" I came closer to him. He was about to speak, but then a tall silver mech with red optics came. "I see someone is awake. Tell me femme, do you know me?" He smirked. "No... who are you?" I stepped back. "My liege, what was the point of this?" A silver seeker came next to the scary mech. I felt anger welling to come and I suddenly moved my servo to my back. The red mech looked at me with optics, full of hope. What was I doing? *Get ahead of yourself!* My mind screamed. *REMEMBER!* Again it screamed. What was happening with me?! I screamed and fell on the cold ground. "Knockout! What is happening with her?!" The silver mech yelled at the red one. I looked at the ground and hugged myself. My body started shaking. *UNSTABLE!* Someone shouted in my mind. "K-Knocky?" I looked at the mech that was now checking me. "Shadow!" He hugged me. "What's happening with me? I don't remember anything!" I cried on his shoulder. "Shockwave, come here now! There is a situation." The scary mech moved his digits away from the audio receptors. I closed my optics and then felt pain inside me. I screamed and then something hitted me in the neck cables. I opened my optics and saw that seeker watching me and giggling. "Now..." He started to talk to Knockout, but my optics closed.  

I couldn't open my optics, but I could hear the voices around me. "Shockwave! I want to know what is wrong with her! Why is she starting to remember again? Why are her optics turning red when she is mad? EVERYTHING!" I remember that voice. It was from the scary mech. "It appears that her processor is trying to fight." The mech, named Shockwave, spoke. "I did a lot of work to find what is wrong with her and after my last check, now I found out. She is unstable. She doesn't have to get angry or sad or she will shut down. She has got that from her creator, the traitor." He continued. "I remember her creator. She was the best warrior then." The scary silver mech said. I tried to move my servo, but I felt my body tied up. "Are you going to do your project now?" He asked Shockwave. "Affirmative." Was the only thing Shockwave said. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I was scared. He was going to do something on me. I don't even remember why I 

m here. I felt something going through me and everything went black.

"Mommy?" A little femme with black armor and red lines ran to her creator. She smiled at her. "What's the matter?" The creator asked. "Mommy, something's going on with me! I can feel it!" The femme cried. 

I opened my optics and screamed. What was that supposed to mean? Was I that femme? I don't even remember my creators. I looked around and saw Knockout recharging on a chair. Poor him! "Knockout?" I said and that made him fall from the chair. "Wh-hat?! Oh, Sh... Hey, hows it going?" He scratched the back of his helm. "Knockout..." I said again. I started to forget again. "Yes?" He came closer to me. "Who am I? What am I?" I looked at him. I only knew his name, nothing more. I saw pain in his optics. Why? "You are a Predacon. Your designation is LightningBolt. For short it is Bolt." He said. Bolt? Hmmm... Didn't I have an other designation? Probably my mistake. "Can you explain me what is Predacon, Knockout?" I asked him and then I looked at a mirror. I saw myself and I just know that I didn't look like that before, but when I try to think, my processor hurts. He explained me everything that I need to know. About the Autobots - our enemy, about the Predacons, about the Decepticons, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, himself and Shockwave. He said something about a mech called Predaking, but yeah, I like to not listen. I was watchin myself in the mirror and looked at my armor. My armor was black and had... PINK?! A lot of pink. I had wings and a tail, claw like digits and my optics were red... with pink? I thought I had green inside... Okey... "Knockout, I wasn't like this!" I yelled. He jumped away from me. "I... I can't tell you... I'm sorry!" He looked at the ground. What was going on?! I was about to say something, but a mech came in the room. He had only one optic. "Great. You are awake. There is not time. Follow me." What? And only with words? Is he crazy? "No." I said. "Predaking!" The mech yelled. Another mech came. He was tall... and he looked like me... "You are... a Predacon?" My optics were wide. "Come." Was the only thing he said.

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