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A/N: First oneshot in this book, hope you guys like it. I had a friend who wanted me to write a flower/coffee shop and tattoo artist AU thing- so here we are.


Warnings; remus being a little suggestive-

Growing up, Remus Kingsley and his brother, Roman, were taught about soulmates. Well, everyone was - one way or another. See, in this world, the morning after your eighteenth birthday, words will appear on your arm - the first thing your soulmate will say to you - along with said soulmate's initials. And when Remus turned eighteen, he was excited, and intrigued. 

He had burst into his brother's room, waking his up at three in the morning, and showing him what was written on his left arm.

"P. M. H." for the initials.
And underneath them, "Hm, I don't like Skittles, but if you have some M'Ms?"

It was shorter than others he'd seen, like his parents or his brother, who seemed to have a whole lecture on his arm - and more boring than he had really hoped for - but that morning, he had grinned and swore he'd never stop offering people skittles, not until he found that special person.

Now go ahead a couple years - Remus had dropped out of college and was now a tattoo artist - well, in training, but he never said that - working in a downtown little shop. He was proud of his work, and had quite a few tattoos himself. He looked like your stereotypical,young and punk guy - he had his hair dyed a shade of green with a couple silvery streaks in it; he wasn't too tall but he was lanky, clothing ripped in several places, and finally piercings and tattoos everywhere - he was simply scruffy looking - but, he was happy with his life at the moment. 

And yes, Remus still looked for his soulmate - he truly wanted to know that there was someone out there destined for him.
But, then again, he was only in his twenties, and there was always the possibility of meeting his soulmate in a nursing home when he's wrinkled and forgetful.

It was about a year after he started at the tattoo parlor when a new place moved in across the street; a quaint little flower shop. It looked like it had two stories, and Remus soon learned that the guy who owned it also lived there, or rather, above it. Remus had never been a flower guy, but part of him was genuinely curious. He had never been in a shop for those colorful plants before - and if he was perfectly honest, he had really forgotten such shops existed. So- why not scope this place out, you know? It was a couple weeks after the place had opened when he decided to use his lunch break to check it out.

Remus steps into the threshold of the flower shop, called "Pat's Petals", and breathes in the strong mixture of different scents from the blossoms. It was definitely a quick change from the smog of the city outside, the whole shop was really. It was bright, colorful, and stood out from the rundown, grey and rust colored buildings that remained beside it. The inside of the shop was even more colorful. Flowers lined the pastel colored walls and wood shelves, the floors were made to look like wood and the occasional carpets fuzzy and soft looking. Remus was surprised to say the least - the city he knew never had any stores or shops like this. He smiles a little to himself and walks in the full way, looking around at all the flowers - so many flowers. He had never seen so many in one place, not in the park or in a drawing. He glances up at where he guess customers bought the beautiful plants and noticed a couple employees. There weren't but two working to get everyone satisfied, not that the shop was too busy - though they really didn't match the scenery around them. One was dress in all black and looked like he put his eye-shadow on upside down, while the other wore some sort of tie- also dress in black.  

Remus kind of laughed to himself at that then noticed someone walking in from what looked like a backroom, a bouquet of flowers Remus had never seen before. They were soft colors, but they looked- rainbow? He looks on, intrigued, and the one carrying the flowers walks up to one of the customers - a lady and her daughters - and starts speaking to the woman. They exchange a few words and both laugh before the man stoops down to the two young girls who accompanied who Remus guess was their mother, and he guess the man was possibly the manager of the shop - as he had a different kind of tag with his name on it.

The two girls lean in to smell the flowers and the manager says something. Remus steps down the aisle they're in, listening in but trying not to be obvious. He was interested, not creeping, okay?

"You know, kiddos, something my grandma used to say - is if you kiss the flowers, you'll have good luck the rest of the da-" before he could finish, the two girls giggled. 

"Like a clover?" One asks, and then the smaller one chirps up,
"I like luck!"

The manager laughs and so does the mother. 
"Thats what my grandma always told me - so every morning, I'd get up, and I'd kiss every flower in the garden."

Again the girls laugh,
"Thats so silly!"
"Did it work-?"

The man pauses then nodded, "I'd say so." he smiles, then holds the bouquet in front of the girls. "Try it." The two briefly pause but soon, each gave a gentle kiss to two of the buds. The manager smiles wider before handing the flowers to the girls' mother, who nods a thank you then rounds up the two young children, leaving shortly after. 

Remus pauses, but soon smirks a bit and approaches the guy, who glances up at him. He was just an inch or so shorter than Remus, with dirty blonde hair that was on the fluffy side - his glasses were round, the frames thick and a darker color of grey. His outfit a blue polo and brown cargo-styled pants with it,  a lighter grey jacket pulled on loosely with the sleeves rolled up. His eyes were a beautiful shade of baby blue.
Remus decided he'd just poke a little fun for the story he told the little girls - or rather, he'd probably flirt with the guy. He did that a lot, though it was always more.....suggestive rather than just romantic, he wasn't good at that kind of flirting - he just made it awkward..not that suggestive flirting didn't.

"So, do you kiss more than rainbow flowers? Because I have a rainbow you can definitely taste.." He chuckles a little bit after, mostly to himself. He expected the man to shuffle away like most did, but instead- he actually got a response for once- or, a good one-

"Hm - I don't like Skittles, but if you have some M'Ms?"

The man laughs and Remus glances at his name tag, 'Patton M. Hart.' The owner, as he suspected. He laughs,
"Sounds dirtier than I intended-"
Patton clears his throat, "Uh- just a joke-! I'm Patt-..Patton..Hart." He pauses in his sentence, glancing down at his arm. 

Remus pauses then it hits him- he pulls his sleeve up to look at his own arm, and though tattooed around them, he still could read the words clearly - the same words he had just been told. He pieces it together quickly. 

Patton M. Hart.

Remus went quiet but then laughs aloud, "Wait- wait- really?
Patton looks up, his freckled cheeks dusted a rose color as a quiet chuckle escapes him, "Uh- whats your name..?"

"Remus! Remus Duke Kingsley." The tatoo artist claims proudly and he then asks, "So...what does you arm say..?"

Patton smiles and just shows him. "Uh- well..nice to meet you?" he chuckles, "And why was that the first thing you say to someone-? Someone you've never met-?" He keeps his smile and shakes his head. "Nevermind - You probably saw my tag but- I'm Patton- Patton Hart. I kind of run this place- I've seen you by the parlor across the street. Are you..?"

"Tattoo artist," Remus was grinning ear to ear, bouncing a bit on his toes. He was excited - he had met his soulmate. His soulmate. He was beyond happy - but he didn't really know what to do next- did he ask the guy out? Kiss him? "I'm on lunch break, but I get off at two." he explains.

Patton nods and to Remus's silent relief asks, "Thats usually when I close the shop, hey- uh- maybe we could stop by that coffee shop down the road and get to know each better? Or just talk- or- whatever works- I don't-"

"Sounds fun!" Remus chirped in a hyper voice, "I shouldn't have anything planned for after work-"

Patton smiles, "Great! I don't either- so- I guess thats a plan then?" he shrugs a bit awkwardly but he was brewing with as much excitement as the other.

Remus nodded and the two exchange contact information. The weeks following were filled with different kinds of dates - Remus was always finding new places to go without leaving town. They both had a lot in common, and also a lot of differences, but they seemed to even each other out, and soon enough, Remus was living with Patton on top of that flower shop, and it seemed they would be having a happily ever after. For now anyways. 


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