sanders sides as things my family and friends have said part 2 :)

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Part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Patton: *accidentally runs into doorframe*
Patton: My oranges!
Logan: wha-
Patton: *pulls out two of those orange cup things from his pockets* MaH oRaNgEs!!

Remus, sharpening his pencil: ladies, gents, dont forget to sharpen his pencil too
Deceit and/or Virgil:  I feel the need to hide.

Patton: *eating fudge stripes*
Roman: You know what those look like?
Pat: ?
Roman: ey-
Remus: TITS

Patton: spoon
Remus: spohn-
Patton: spawn?
Remus: spawn-
Patton: of..
Patton: SALMO-
Remus: SATAN
Patton: *cri*
Remus: I love word association games

Patton: Is this flour?
Logan: Most likely
Virgil: Or cocaine
Patton: sOn- NoOo-
[virgil's quote courtesy of my dad lmfao-]

Remus, bending down to pick up something: 'scuse meh, dont mind meh glutes 

Virgil: walks in the room*
Remus, chasing Logan with a dictionary: JUST BE ONE WITH WEBSTER
Virgil, walking out: nope

No one:
Not a soul:
Virgil: is sleep a crime?
{Remy/Sleep: excuse-?!?}

Oklahoma: *has a law that stops peeps from sleeping with their boots on* [true story]
Deceit, laying down with some bOoTs on: time to be a real criminal *smooth criminal proceeds to play*
[true story--even the song lmfao--]
[Lol wait- 
      Remus: I wAnNa Be A cOwBoY bAbYyY]

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