trust 💖 demus

19 1 0

*Taking place after POF
TWs: Cursing

Sorry this is short :/


Janus rises up in the dark hall that led to the darker part of his host's mind, the only light flickering above the door in front of the deceitful trait, where moths gathered. He opens the creaky wood door slowly, slipping inside and shutting it again. He leans against the door, taking his hat in his hand and off his head, resting it against his chest. 
Thomas had trusted him. Thomas had defended him. Yes, it came at the cost of a prince's ego, but Thomas- and Patton- they had trusted him..

Thomas and Patton had trusted him!

Deceit smiles to himself, half-having to stop himself from squealing or laughing - he was so- happy. He had helped, they let him help this time. They let him help! Patton and Thomas-

"Dee-dee-! Your back, that took so long-!!" 

Remus's voice cuts through his thoughts - the intrusive side walking out of the kitchen with a bag of only the lord knows what, not looking up at his fellow trait, "Lemme guess- they ignored ya again, right?" he laughs, finally turning his gaze to Deceit. His laughing faded quickly when he saw the expression Janus had, though his smile didn't falter too much, "You- look happy? What the fuck-?" 

Janus stands up straight, leaving his hat off as he addressed his fellow side, "Things went- well." he says, unable to wipe off a small smile even as a deceitful trait. There was a pause between the two, Remus going to say something but Deceit practically bursts with giddy, excited words.

"Oh- they trusted me, Re-!" He catches the other off guard when he latches onto the other side's arm, ignoring the weird sticky substance on the sleeve, "Well- your twin didn't..but Thomas and Patton did-! They let me help-!" he shakes the other's arm gently before letting go, slapping his hat back on.

"They di-"

"Yes-!" Janus couldn't lie about this, whether it would be obvious or not - he was just happy that maybe, maybe now he could actually talk to his host without him thinking it was- totally bad things.

Remus laughed a little at the other trait's antics - he hadn't really seen his friend like this since before Virgil left them, and even then, he was never like this. He then paused,
"So- did anything else happen?" he asked, a little more out of character than Janus seemed to pick up on.

Deceit paused, "Thomas needed time off, Patton turned into a frog, Logan was one of those video game fact boxes, and Roman's not happy." he says matter-of-factly before he sighed a little, "Er- Thomas needs a little more self-care, you know- what I've been talking to you about." Remus nodded before the snake trait continues, "And I did te-" he suddenly paused, glancing at his fellow side before avoiding his gaze, "That's all."

Remus didn't know his name - even after years of being close friends. Janus hadn't thought about it, he never considered telling Remus, mostly in fear he'd say it either by accident, or make fun of it, or something along those lines.

"That's all?" Remus questioned, not seeming phased by Patton being a frog or Roman's upset manner.
Deceit walks past his friend, "Mhm-!" he starts for his room but is stopped. 
"Liar, what else happened I wanna know!" Remus follows him, stopping behind him, "Did-" he paused, looking away, "Your not- your not going to leave are you? Like- Like Virgil did?"
"What-? No-.. no no-, Remus!" Janus turned around to face his friend, "I- I don't think I could-" he says with honesty.

"Then what else-?"

Deceit hesitated, crossing his arms, "I-"
You know him. You can trust him.

"I- told Thomas- and Patton and your brother, my- my name."

"Thats it-?"

Janus snaps his gaze to Remus, "Uh..yeah...?" He honestly expected a different reaction, but he receives a nod and a shrug from the other. 

"I mean- that's good I guess? I know you haven't told anyone but the emo ostrich- so.." Remus never fully understood the whole trust thing with names, but he knew Deceit didn't disclose his to just anyone all willy-nilly. He knew it was a bit of a step for him - part of him wondered if that meant he didn't entirely trust Remus, but he knew he had to, the way the snake-trait acted around him versus others. 

He watched his friend shuffle in place a little, "...did it go well or do you wanna go bury a rabbit..?" Deceit had seemed relatively happy earlier.



"You should know, it's Janus," the trait adjusts his hat, half expecting the same reaction he'd received from the other half of creativity, but part of him thought different. He glances up at Remus, who hums in though.

"'s it spelled?"

"Wha- J-a-n-u-s?"

"Ahhh- like that weird god with the two faces!" Remus grins, laughing a little - though, not directly at the other's name, "Cool- I was expecting something like Logan or Patton's names, hahaha-!" he paused before tugging  Janus into a tight- very tight embrace, "Its so fucking suiting to yah Dee- Or should I say Jan? Jan-Jan? So many new nicknames-"

Janus pauses before he kinda chuckled, "Uh- thank you-?"

Remus laughed before he paused as well,

"No one..said anything did they?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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