Chapter one: Alone

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A/n I just wanted to make something clear before I began, Cat Noir is like Jack Frost from the Rise of the Guardians, he was chosen to be like a guardian angel after he did a heroic deed, and Marinette is the only one who can see him because everyone else believes he's not real-Clato3
Just like every other night for the past 300 years, Cat Noir was alone. No matter what he did no one ever saw him, when he chosen to be a Guardian, Plagg had told him that only the child who he was destined to protect would be the one too see him. Only then would others be able too see him, because once a Guardian's child reached a certain age where they stopped believed in them, the Guardian would leave and find a new kid who needed them. That way, more children would be protected from Hawkmoth who was determined to use kids too overthrow the other guardians. "There's something I'm doing wrong here, because I've tried everything and no one ever see's me. " Cat Noir said to himself, as he stared up at the night sky. He let out a sigh and prepared to leave when he heard crying, he had heard crying many times before. But something about this cry was different, it felt as if he was being drawn too it, he ran across rooftops to follow the sound until he came to the balcony of the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. He pushed the balcony door open to find a pink bed room, there wasn't much there expect for a bunch of stuffed animals, pictures hanging from the wall and a bed. On the bed was a little girl who looked about two years old, her blue hair was tied in pigtails with pink bows, and her nightgown was pink with a white cat. The only thing that ran through his head besides, 'why in the world is making her so upset, ' was 'she must really love pink. ' Once the girl looked in his direction, her crying immediately stopped. A sense of hope filled up inside him, could she see him? "Kitty, " she called out and Cat Noir thought he was going to cry "can you see me? " He asked her hopefully and she nodded, "ah she see's me! " He cried and the little girl giggled and then carefully got out of bed so she could get to her new friend. "Kitty, " She said reaching her arms out to him wanting to be held, he laughed and then picked her up. "Kitty huh, I like that nickname, so who are you little princess? " He asked and she answered him with babble he didn't understand, "not much of a talker yet, no matter I'll just call you princess. " Cat Noir said, gently touching her nose and she once again squealed in delight.

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