Chapter four: I have to stay

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That night, Cat Noir sat un top of Marinette's balcony just thinking, he had promised Marinette he would never leave her but he would have to break that promise. It hated that he had lied to her, but she was already so upset and telling her that he would have to leave when she got older, would no doubt break her heart. He would never forgive himself, if he was the cause of her sadness. So as he sat there he made a decision that he knew was dangerous for him, he was going to stay with her. "Your not seriously thinking of doing that are you kid, you know what will happen to you if you stay! " A voice called out, the voice belonged to his Miraculous, while it looked like just an ordinary ring it was what kept his powers in check. Many years ago when he was a mortal teenager named Adrien, he went to the lake for fun, it was winter so the lake was frozen and he hadn't planned on going out on the ice. That is until he saw a little girl on the ice wearing ice skates standing alone and the ice beneath her was staring to crack. Without giving it to much thought he slowly walked across the ice to go help her, even though he didn't know the girl. Once she saw him she told him that she was scared and she wanted to go home, he told that it would be alright and used a nearby stick to carefully move her away from the cracking ice. However before she could thank him the ice beneath him cracked and he fell into the freezing cold water, he didn't remember much of what happened next but what he was told because of his selfless act, the Cat Miraculous chose him to be its bearer and the brought him back as the Guardian Cat noir. The ring had really been his only company for decades and it sometimes had to talk some sense into him, if he a stupid idea and this was one of those times. "Of course I know what will happen, but at the moment I don't care about that, I have to stay with her she needs me. " Cat Noir said to his ring, "kid you can't fight against the magic, the longer you stay the weaker you'll get. Do you really think that Marinette will want to watch you die? " "I have to stay, I love her and a being with her for a few years is better then a lifetime without her. You can't change my mind, I'm going to stay for Marinette. " Cat Noir declared and his ring feel silent, "kitty where did you go? " Marinette asked from her bedroom, he smiled and went back inside to find her sleepily rubbing her eyes, it was quite late and she was supposed to be asleep. "Princess you should be sleeping , " he said ushering her back to her bed "but I got lonely and I wanted to come see you. " She said yawning 'she is so pure, ' he thought as he placed her back into bed, "now as a princess you must get your beauty sleep, " "no I wanna stay up, and I'm not tired. " She claimed even though she clearly was very sleepy, and seconds later she feel asleep in his arms. He smiled and kissed on the forehead "sleep well princess, "

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