Chapter six: you need to grow up

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"So Miss. Dupain-Cheng can you tell me why you we're sent to my office again?" Mr. Damcles asked as Marinette sat on the chair infront of his desk. "I'm sorry sir, its just that Chloe messes with me during class and that makes it hard for me to focus. " Marinette admitted, "what that's ridiculous utterly ridiculous I would never do such a thing, I only want Marinette to stop being a baby. " Chloe said with her usual sneer, "Chloe you will get yourself in more trouble if you continue to insult Marinette. " Mr. Damcles barked and Chloe stopped talking, "Marinette might I have a word only with you? " he asked and Marinette nodded, Chloe left the room but not before saying "Your imaginary boyfriend isn't going to be there forever. " Marinette grumbled at this, "now Miss Dupain-Cheng who is this imaginary boyfriend that Chloe mentioned? " "Cat Noir and he's real, " Marinette answered "I see and how long have you been seeing this Cat Noir? " He asked "for as long as I can remember, " she knew where this conversation was going he would tell her, that she should grow up and accept that Cat Noir wasn't real or send her to the social worker because he would think she needs help. "You know Marinette sometimes when kids are lonely they make up their own best friend, did it ever occur to you that maybe it may be time to put Cat Noir in your childhood. " 'I'm not going to do that but he dosen't need to know that' "I have i'm just not ready to grow up and leave him behind, " she lied though part of what she was saying was true. "No one ever is ready but I think if you take everything one step at a time it will be easier, you may go Miss Dupain-Cheng. " "Thank you sir, " She said picking up her stuff and heading to her next class, unfortunately on her way there she ran into Felix. She tried to ignore him but since the guy had a huge crush on her and acted like he owned the place due to his money, it was hard. "Hello beautiful where are you going? " He asked leaning on the lockers and blocking her path, "class please move out of the way so I'm not late, " she said resisting the urge to gag. "Maybe if you agree to go on a date with me, " he said "I've already told you that I'm not interested plus I'm kinda with someone else. " "I don't see why that's a problem your boyfriend dosen't have to know, " Felix said trying to play with hair but Marinette pushed his hand away "don't touch me, " she declared and then walked away "you can't keep saying no to me, I always get what I want and I will have you one day! " He called out and it made her feel physical sick, she couldn't believe that he had the nerves to say that she was basically his property. Cat noir never treated her like that, he always respected her space and treated her with kindness. Which is why she loved her kitty so much, she hadn't completely lied when she said she was with taken. Cat Noir was her boyfriend, well sorta, she wasn't  physicaly dating him but the two of them acted like they actually we're,
"Why the long face princess? " Cat Noir asked, "it's just I don't understand why people say you're not real, " Marinette admitted "you don't need to get worked up about it, I been around for over 300 years and you were the first to see me. " Cat Noir said leaping of the balcony railing so he was looking at her, "I know that but I can't help it, " Marinette said "if I kiss you would you be able to help it? " He asked smirking and Marinette smiled "you wouldn't dare, " she said pretending to be offended "oh but I would, in fact I'll do it right now. " Cat Noir said giving her a kiss on the lips and Marinette was shocked at first, but when he tried to pull away she didn't let him and kissed him back

 " Cat Noir said giving her a kiss on the lips and Marinette was shocked at first, but when he tried to pull away she didn't let him and kissed him back

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