Chapter Eleven: Hawkmoth

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Cold, that was all she felt. Marinette had been locked in Felix's basement for almost four hours, and she was extremely exhausted, hungry and wasn't able to hide her fear anymore. Felix hadn't tortured or raped her but she was certain he would do it eventually. She felt so pathetic, she just wanted to cry until she couldn't cry anymore. "Hello darling, " Felix said grabbing her chin and she attempted to pull away from him "you will look at me when I'm talking to you! " He yelled "you can't keep me here, someone will come for me and trust me he will make you regret ever thinking about trying to rape me! " Marinette declared yelling right in his face but Felix didn't even flinch infact he smiled at the statement. "You truly believe your weakening Guardian will save you? " He asked letting go of her and giving her an evil smirk "you still think that's why I kidnapped you, and your previous Cat Noir is going to save you. " Marinette froze at this, how did he know about Cat Noir, she knew for a fact she had never directly talked to Felix about him. "Your not the only one with a secret beautiful, " he told her and that's when Marinette noticed a purple broche under his shirt collar. It sparked a memory inside of her, when she was young and Cat Noir had told her about Hawkmoth a Guardian that went evil and planned to use humans to give himself an army. "Who are you trying to protect me from kitty? " A seven year old Marinette asked "Hawkmoth he's an evil man, desperate to use people for his own desires. " Cat noir explained, Marinette became frighted and hugged him "I don't want the bad man to come, he's scary. " She said sounding very scared, "you don't need to be scared princess, I won't ever let anything happen to you, I promise. " Cat Noir said holding her, Marinette gasped as she realized that this was a trap and if Cat Noir had heard her cries for help, then he was walking right into it. "No your Hawkmoth, " Marinette said pointing to his broche "you're smarter than you look my dear, and your correct I am Hawkmoth. Ever since those pesky Guardians weakened me I had to hide my identity until I got my strength back, but it never returned so I need to steal another Guardian's strength, and since Cat Noir was so foolish to weaken himself just for love. Well I'd say he's the perfect candidate, wouldn't you agree my dear? " Felix asked but Marinette was to stunned to even speak, and if things couldn't get any worse, she heard of a rubble falling onto the ground from upstairs. "No, " she said fearfully realizing that Cat Noir had found her, and he was about to fall right into Hawkmoth's trap. "Oh my dear it seems we have a guest, let's see if we can get him here any faster. " He said placing a gag over her mouth and touching his broche to undo his disguise, his entire body was covered in purple, black and grey. A long staff appeared in his hands and a butterfly purple mask covered his eyes.

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