Chapter Ten: kidnapped

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Marinette ran back home as fast as she could, she didn't waste a single minute she had to get to Cat Noir and convince him to leave before he started to get weak. "Why hello there beautiful, " a voice called out and Marinette found herself being pulled harshly by someone, she tried to fight back but her attacker was too strong. "Don't struggle it will only tighten my grip, " "Felix let go of me! " She yelled recognizing the voice of the spoiled rich kid who was basically obsessed with her. "Not a chance, you've rejected me too many times and now I'm not giving you a choice, your going to be my girlfriend  and whether you like it or not you're going to marry me and give me heirs. " Felix told her and his grip on her tightened leaving marks on her skin, she had to get away or at least call for help, only she was still to far away from home for anyone to hear her, well possibly  expect for one. "Cat Noir help! " She screamed as loud as she could hoping that his enchaned hearing would pick it up, or if it didn't he would notice something was wrong when she didn't show up. "Shut up! " Felix yelled covering her head with a bag so no one could hear her, she cursed at him as he tied up her hands but he ignored her protests and dragged her roughly to his mansion. She punched and kicked him trying to break free, but her efforts we're futile, he too strong. Once inside he brought her down to his basement, binded her already tied hands to a bed, and locked the door. "Let's have some fun, " he whispered taking off her bag and caressing her check "your a sicko and I will never love you. " Felix became angry and slapped her across the face, Marinette was afraid but she refused to show it on her face, she wasn't going to look weak infornt of him. "I'm not afraid of you, " She declared spiting in his face "you will learn to fear and love me, " he grumbled.
"Never, " she snarled
Something wasn't right, Marinette had never been out this late, her parents we're beginning to panic as she wasn't answering their calls, and Cat Noir was beginning to panic as well. Everything in him shattered when he heard the desperate plea of her cries for help, 'thank you enchanced senses, ' he thought to himself as he raced from rooftop to rooftop looking for his princess, only it seemed he was too late. All he found was her cracked cellphone and the green ribbons she had been wearing in her hair. Someone had taken his princess and he was going to rip them to shreds for doing it. "Don't worry Marinette I'm coming, "

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