Chapter 2

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 Kokichi's POV

 It had only been a day since Shuichi had woken up, and they already let them leave. Currently I was packing what little things I had left, getting ready to move into the dorms. They gave everybody their addresses to where they lived so they could spend times with their families before moving out into the dorms. Sadly, I got an address to the orphanage I used to live at. I had very little things so packing didn't take long, I sighed and fell backwards onto my bed.

 'I wonder who I'll be sharing my dorm with,' 

 I rolled over to look at the clock and noticed it was already pretty late, tomorrow I was going to the school campus to move my stuff into my dorm. The school had the dorms open so students could move in but, the school itself would remain locked. I yawned as I sat up and decided to go on a late night walk. I grabbed a coat and walked out the door, walking without thinking about where I was going.

 I found myself in the park, I noticed somebody sitting under a tree reading a book, tapping their foot gently on the ground. I walked towards them soon to realize it was Shuichi, he looked so peaceful. I quietly sat besides him, I don't think he noticed me.

 "Hey Shumai~ what you got there?" I smiled peaking over his arm to look at the book.

 "A-ah! Oh, hi Kokichi," he greeted nervously.

 "What are you doing at the park so late?" I wondered.

 "I could ask you the same thing you know," he joked, closing his book.

 "Fair fair but, why are you here though?" I asked again.

 "Well my uncle was busy with detective work so I don't even think he realized I was home. I decided to get fresh air after being trapped for so long, you know," he explained, looking up at the stars.

 "Well, why don't we walk around together for a while?" I offered, smiling my usual grin.

 "Sure, that sounds nice," he said softly, standing up.

 We began walking the trail that looped around the park, every so often I found myself staring at Shuichi. He just looked really pretty in the moonlight, his golden eyes sparkled and his pale skin seemed brighter. I suddenly shook myself out of my train of thought realizing Shuichi had been talking to me.

 "So Kokichi, was your family happy to see you again?" he asked, looking at his feet.

 "Of course they were nishishishi~ who wouldn't be glad to see me!" I lied.

 "Well I could name a few," he joked, sighing slightly.

 "Shumai are you not glad to see me!" I fake cried.

 He laughed a little, and smiled, I could feel my heart skip a beat at this sight.

 "Of course I'm glad to see you, I'm glad you actually were alive," he said sweetly.

 "Did your uncle even talk to you when he saw you come home?" I wondered.

 "Ah, yeah he greeted me and told me about the school being open tomorrow. After that he left and went back to his work, I cooked dinner for him and myself before leaving. I didn't exactly eat anything though," he trailed off, avoiding eye contact.

 "Shumai you have to eat something, why don't we go grab something to eat!" I offered.

 "Oh um, sure why not," he agreed awkwardly.

 We walked out of the park in a peaceful silence, entering a near by noodle shop. We sat at a table and took our coats off. Now that we were in a place with light I noticed how tired Shuichi seemed, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was kind of messy.

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