Chapter 8

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 Kokichi's POV

 Shuichi and I pulled away from the kiss, all I could hear were the fireworks going off in the background. I stared at Shuichi lovingly, his entire face turning red at what just happened. I couldn't help but laugh at this reaction, he hid his face in his hands.

 "Come on Shumai~ Let me see your adorable face!" I teased.

 "D-Don't look at me!" he stuttered.

 I laughed and held both of his hands in my own, forcing him to look at me. He looked nervous, his entire face still red.

 "I love you Shuichi," I smiled.

 "I-I love you too," he said embarrassed, hiding his behind his hair.

 I moved his hair out of his face, I had to admit he looked really cute.

 "Shuichi!" a voice called, we immediately let go of each other's hands and turned around.

 "K-Kaito!" Shuichi waved.

 We were having a moment come on, the setting and everything was perfect. I don't know the next time we'll ever have the chance to have a moment like that again. I sighed and gazed at Shuichi silently.

 "Sidekick did you know Kaede, Miu, Rantaro, and Maki are here?" he smiled.

 "N-No actually," he laughed nervously.

 "Why don't you come and join us!" Kaito suggested, I really didn't want to but, if I got the chance to see Shuichi smiling I wouldn't mind.

 Shuichi nodded and we made our way to the group, Kaito walked in front while Shuichi and I held hands in secret. I noticed a faint blush on his face and I smiled to myself.

 "Shuichi! Good to see you!" Kaede smiled.

 "Y-You too, are you and Rantaro feeling any better?" he wondered.

 "Yep! When Miu told me about this festival I couldn't help but come," she laughed.

 "That's good," he smiled softly, my heart skipped a beat.

 We all sat down on a blanket and watched the fireworks continue to go off, Shuichi talked with Maki and Kaito, I sat with Miu and Rantaro.

 "So Kokichi, did you make the move yet?" Rantaro asked.

 "W-What?!" I stuttered.

 "Come on, it's obvious as day that you like the emo," Miu groaned.

 "Y-Yeah I made the move," I mumbled annoyed.

 "How did it go?" Rantaro wondered.

 "It went great! He didn't hesitate or pull away at any moment! It went like a dream," I smiled.

 "Bleh! Sounds cheesy as all hell," Miu gagged. 

 "Guys the final fireworks are going to go off!" Kaede pointed out.

 We all turned and looked up at the stars, Shuichi came and sat besides me. I saw him make a gentle smile and a faint blush appear on my face. He looked to beautiful in the moonlight, his dark hair shined brightly with the light. I noticed Maki and Kaito kissing behind us and Miu cheering them on.

 "S-Shut up Miu!" Maki yelled.

 "Yay Kaito," Kaede clapped.

 Everybody laughed, I looked over to see Shuichi's heart stopping smile. Soon we started walking back to the dorms since the show had ended. Shuichi and I walked in the back and held hands once again. I smiled to myself, I can't believe how smoothly things went. He's not playing with me right? He actually likes me back isn't trying to trick me? These thoughts ran through my head to suddenly be stopped by Shuichi tapping my shoulder.

 "K-Kokichi are you okay? We've been in our dorm for a few minutes now and you haven't said a word," he trailed off.

 "O-Oh! Yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about my beloved~" I teased.

 "W-What?!" he asked embarrassed.

 "Nishishi~ it's nothing," I laughed.

 I made my way over to Shuichi and sat beside him, looking at him and nervously held his hands. He smiled softly as a faint blushed crept onto our faces. He laughed quietly and kissed my hand, making my face heat up even more.

 "W-When did you become the romantic type!" I stuttered.

 "O-Oh! Well I j-just thought that m-maybe-," he rambled.

 "I'm joking with you Shuichi it's okay!" I laughed.

 "R-Right," he sighed. "I-Is it okay i-if I k-k-kiss you again?"

 "You shouldn't have to ask that Shumai~" I smiled, his stutter made my heart speed up.

 He nodded and slowly leaned in, our lips made contact and slowly closed my eyes. Every time we kiss I feel my face immediately heat up and can't help but smile. The kiss lasted a few moments before we pulled away and stared at each other. We began laughing awkwardly until it turned into a full on laughing fit. We held hands and kept laughing at our own awkwardness.

 "I love you Kokichi," he laughed.

 "I love you more Shumai!" I smiled, tackling him over.

 "It's still early in the night you know," he said, hugging me gently.

 "Do you want to go out and do something?" I wondered.

 "S-Sure," he smiled.

 We headed out into town, walking down the dimly lit streets. Our hands were intertwined and even in the silence I felt at ease.

 "Shuichi! Let's go eat something I'm starving~" I groaned.

 "U-Um sure," he replied nervously.

 We made our way to a near by diner and sat down in a booth. Shuichi nervously looked down at his menu, is he still not eating properly? I place my hand on his menu and pulled it down so that we were looking at each other.

 "Are you feeling okay?" I worried.

 "Y-Yeah, it's probably just the fever," he lied.

 "Whatever," I sighed, he could tell I knew he was lying and made a guilty expression.

 "S-Sorry," he mumbled.

 "Don't be sorry! I won't force the truth out of you just tell me when you're ready okay? Like I said before, telling the truth is sometimes harder then hearing it yourself," I said softy.

 He smiled at my reply, and continued reading the menu. A waiter came over and we placed our orders, Shuichi ordered a small meal. I continued to gaze at Shuichi as we nervously fidgeted with the strings on his hoodie. 

 "Shumai you're so adorable," I smiled.

 "W-What?" he asked embarrassed.

 "I just can't help but think about how lucky I am to be dating somebody as amazing as you! I never thought you'd accept my love to be honest," I sighed.

 "I thought you'd be the one who wouldn't accept me! I-I mean I'm nervous and not that in shape, I'm super skinny and a terrible detective," he admitted.

 "What! No way~ you're like perfect in every way! With you by my side I feel like I could rule the world, I couldn't be happier that I fell for you Shuichi. That's the honest truth," I smiled.

 "I honestly thought you'd be disappointing to have your first kiss with me," he sighed.

 "I wouldn't have it any other way," I smiled softly, holding his hands.

 "Thank you Kokichi, you always know how to make me smile," he kissed my hands softly.

 Soon our food came, I watched Shuichi slowly pick at his food not eating much. I sighed and shoved a spoonful of his food into his mouth like we did on our first time out together. He laughed awkwardly and gave me an honest smile.

 Thank you Shuichi, I couldn't be happier right now.

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