3- She's From Lobelia?

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“Like I said before ma’am, I am deeply sorry.  But you must know. I am not the one at fault here.”  I spoke, holding my head straight as I argued my innocence.

  “Oh you are, are you?”  My teacher spoke, glancing at me up and down.  “Miss Suoh, please tell me how you aren’t at fault here.”

  “Well miss… I just can’t seem to make it to your class on time, because everyday a poor soul comes to confess their attraction to me.  How am I supposed to arrive to class on time, if other teachers cannot keep their students out of the halls? Please miss, you must help me..”  I put on my best pout, much like I'd seen Tamaki do to get his way with the Ootori sister, Fuyumi.  

  “Well, I see your point miss Y/n.  Let me talk to the other teachers and see if I can get the students to stay out of your way.”  She trailed a finger along the desk. “That smile of yours sure is cute though, y/n. I can see why they would want you.”

  I huffed.  “What, this smile?”  I flashed a look at her and she nodded softly. 

“That one indeed.  Well, have a good lunch Miss Y/n, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”  She dismissed me and went back to her computer.

  As I headed out, Benio and Chizuru stood at the front door.  “My lovely maiden~” Benio purred, grabbing my hand as we went outside.  “We waited for so long, what held you my dear?”

  I chuckled.  “Teacher got on my case again.  Y’know how it goes.” I took the posters from Chizuru’s hands and a box of tacks from Benio’s purse.  

  “Say, why don’t we stop by the Ouran Courtyard after lunch?”  I asked, meanwhile pinning a poster to a tree. “I heard the students were doing some sort of outdoor enrichment today, maybe we’ll see my brother and his club!”  

  “You'll have to Count us out, sorry my darling.  I’m afraid we have made a prior commitment. But I support you in your travels.”  She kissed my cheek before nodding to Chiruzu. The two headed off in the opposite direction, taking a portion of the posters with them.  

  I headed off in the direction of Ouran, where the cheers of girls grew louder and louder.  Right inside the gate stood Kyoya Ootori and those red headed twins. “Oh, Kyoya!” I waved, catching his attention.  

  He smirked, but turned himself back around.  The twins looked between him and I, and I could hear them as I walked away.  “Do you know her Kyoya?” The one on the right asked, craning his neck to see me just pass by the fence.  

  “She was wearing a Lobelia Uniform.  Do you two know anyone from Lobelia, other than those three hideous Zuka club members?”  He asked, his eyes following to where I stood, a smirk of my own on my face.

  The twins shuttered and shook their heads.  “No, You’re right.”

  “I know I am.”  He said, flicking them each on the forehead.  “Now get ready, it's your turn.”

  I turned the corner, pausing for a moment.  “Y’know lying isn’t kind.” I said, as Kyoya leaned against the fence beside me.  “You should have told them who I was!”

  “And face the wrath of the whole club?  No thanks. What are you doing out here anyways?”  He looked down at the posters in my hands. “I see, it's that time of the year again?  Are you managing it again this year?”

  I nodded.  “Benio was supposed to help me, but I don’t think she wanted to get near this place.  She and Chizuru are on the other side of town.” I shrugged, handing him one. “Here, I think you’ll be needing this.”

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