17- Home Again

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I rolled over on my side, glancing at the clock through sleep laced eyes. Ten A.M. I sighed, placing a quick kiss on Kyoya's forehead before standing up. I hobbled to the bathroom, my legs barely functioning on their own. I shut the door and locked it, turning to stare at myself in the mirror. "I look like shit." Was all I could muster to describe how I looked. My face was drained of all colour from waking up, my neck and chest a mirage of shades of purple and black. I sighed, grabbing my robe from the shower door and heading down the hall to Tamaki's room. I opened the door, half expecting Tamaki to not be there. Instead I found a bunch of blasted teenagers huddled together under a few blankets while Haruhi read on his bed.

"Morning." I rasped, waving at her.

"Jesus." She laughed quietly, taking in my predicament. "Rough night?"

"You could say that again." I joked, motioning for her to follow me. We headed down to the kitchen where Shima was busy preparing breakfast.

"Morning girls," she spoke softly, handing us each a cup of tea. "I checked on the boys an hour ago. Looks like they'll be asleep for a while." She chuckled, turning back to the stove. "Have fun last night y/n?"

I blushed, trudging my way over to the counter. "Shima-" I glared, silencing her.

"Youre a kid, youre just learning how to live life. I'm not judging you dear." She offered Haruhi and I a plate of eggs and sat down beside us. "Y/n, I never got to congradulate you." She started, sipping her own cup of tea. "It is very admirable how you stood up to your grandmother like that." She smiled. "What are you going to do now that the company is out of your hands completely?"

"I want to go to college. I still plan on becoming a doctor, I'll head to America as soon as I graduate." I said, taking a bite of eggs.

A grumble came from the stairs as Hani stumbled forwards. "Morning.." He whispered, clutching his stomach. He glanced up at me. "You look like shit."

I felt my heart quicken. Hani just swore. "Okay, maybe it was a bad idea to let you guys drink so much." I muttered as he crawled into my lap. "Shima, do we have anything to help him? Or all of them, I assume they'll be in a similar state when they wake up."

"Yes. I took the liberty of grabbing a bottle before I returned last night, just in case." She smiled, pulling a pill bottle out of her pocket.

"Make sure you drink plenty of water, alright kiddo?" I said, stroking his head as he chugged down the glass.

One by one all the boys started coming down stairs.

"Hey Haruhi, hey Y/n- wow you look like shit." The twins said, stumbling around in a similar state to the Lolita boy before them.

Mori came after, frowning at me. His eyes said the same thing. 'You look like shit'.

Tamaki followed soon after, rubbing his eyes. "Morning everybody." He said, glancing around the room until his eyes landed on me. "Whoa you lo-"

"I get it, I look like shit." I muttered, handing them their pills and glasses of water.

"I think you look beautiful." A smooth voice piped up, placing his head on my shoulder sleepily.

"Well that makes one of you." I frowned, tipping his head towards me so I could give him a kiss.

"Huh?! Get your hands off my sister you dirty man! Don't you lay a finger on her or I'll-" Tamaki shouted, earning a glare from every last person in the kitchen.

"I bet that wasn't all he laid on her." Hikaru whispered, sliding lazily up to Tamaki's right.

"Yeah boss, I mean look at them." Kaoru stated following his brother to Tamaki's left. "They look like leopards with all those spots!"

"You dirty twins! I'll kill you all!" He shouted, chasing them out of the room. I just sighed and tilted my head back, accepting a kiss on one of the tender spots from Kyoya.

"Can they be any louder?" Mori whispered, shocking me mostly.

"Yeah, tama-chan's to chipper this early.. especially in his state." Hani said grumpily, laying his head down on the cold counter.

"Well, he'll pass out soon enough. Oh. There he goes." We all looked at where Tamaki had fallen asleep, directly in the middle of the doorway. "Idiot."

I stood up. "You all can just relax for today, I've gotta go do some stuff at school today. We're helping run some stuff at the Ouran fair this year."

"Youre going out-" Hikaru started.

"Looking like that?" Kaoru finished.

"With all due respect y/n, you don't look suitable to go anywhere." Haruhi said, placing a hand on my arm.

I sighed. "Well I guess I could call in.." I reached up, yawning. "And some more sleep would be nice.."

The rest of them grumbled in agreement. "Lets have a slumber party!" Hani exclaimed quietly, placing his hand on the counter. "A day time slumber party."

"I'll call Benio, blankets are in the spare bedroom."

I pulled out my phone and dialed up Benio.

"Y/n? Where are you?" She asked, practically yelling in my ear.

"So uh.." Where would I even start? "I'm in a house with five drunk teenage boys and my boyfriend and I look like leopards. Does that make sense?"

"I see," I could practically envision her smirking. "You went there did you?"

"Yeah." I said flatly. "So could we take a rain check?"

"Of course dear. And don't strain yourself to much, it'll make it worse." She giggled and hung up. I groaned and made my way into the living room, where four of the seven Host club members lay passed out. I smiled and lay down beside Kyoya, who immediately pulled me close to him, taking the wind out of me.

It felt good to be surrounded by people I truly cared about. Especially after I shut them out for four months only for them to just accept me as their own as soon as I returned. I closed my eyes and happily drifted off to sleep.

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