16- Father

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Note: I originally had a lemon in this chapter, but I decided to cut it because it felt awkward just stuck in the middle of the story :)

"It appears that party will have to wait."  He whispered, stepping away.

  I glanced over to see my father staring at me from the balcony.  I gathered what was left of my courage and started over to him.

  "Father, I-"
  "Y/n, I am so proud of you."  He said, taking my hands in his own.  "You make me proud to call you my daughter."

  "I'm sorry, what?"  I asked, taken aback.

  "I never thought that you would be able to stand up to myself or your grandmother so effortlessly."  He said, a smile forming on his face.

  "Father, what's this about?"

  "Even as a little girl, you always seemed stronger than the others around you.  I knew you didn't want to run the company, but I never thought you would throw it back at me like that!"  He laughed.

  "Thank you father."  I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. 

  He smiled, wiping my tears from my cheeks.  "I understand you don't want to run the company.  But this means that your grandmother is going to be even more unhappy with your brother."

  "Tamaki is strong.  He can handle himself father.  I just worry she's going to do something irrational."

  "Your grandmother is a hard woman to please.  That being said, I believe she is quite proud of you, in her own way."  A sly smile broke out on his face.  "Now tell me.  You and the Ootori boy huh?"

  I blushed, my cheeks heating up.  "Father!"

  He smiled.  "I'm glad you two finally accepted your feelings.  Yoshio and I talked about you two many times behind your backs, and we may or may not have bet on you guys."

  I groaned.  "Not you too!"  I cried, gripping his shoulders.  "Why's everyone betting on us?!"

  He just smiled and pulled me into a hug.  "I love you Y/n, give my regards to Kyoya.  He certainly knows how to choose a woman.  A beautiful, smart, talented woman."  He kissed my forehead before stepping away, probably on the search for my grandmother.

  "Wow."  My brothers voice came from behind me as he stepped up beside me.  We leaned on the balcony railing, looking out over the pond.  "Imagine that.  My sister, being congratulated by our father!  I never thought I'd live to see the day."

  I nudged him slightly and sighed.  "Me neither.  But those years of emotion Trauma aren't just gonna wash themselves away."  I whispered.  "He's still gonna have to work for my approval."

  "Of course he is.  I don't expect anything less from you."  He said, smiling.  "Now I heard something about dinner and some drinks?"

  I rolled my eyes and took his hand.  "Lets go home."


  After dinner, I pulled out a couple bottles of red wine.  Seeing as we were all underage children looking to have a good time, we ran up to Tamaki's bedroom to drink.

  "Tamaki!"  I shouted, standing up from where I was sitting.  "Get your ass back in this room before I revoke your drinking privileges!"

  He giggled and waddled back to his bed, where he immediately fell asleep.  "I'm dealing with children I swear."

  The rest of the club had begun to fall asleep, and at that point it was just Kyoya and I.  Neither of us had drunken much, choosing instead to be in our right state of mind- edging on the fine line between tipsy and drunk.

  "Hey Kyoya."  I said, leaning down to kiss him.  "Why don't we take this party back to my room?"

  He nodded eagerly and we made our way down the hall, tiptoeing like children in order to not get caught.

  "Shh!"  I giggled as he tripped over his own feet in the middle of the hall. 

  He looked up at me from a lazy pile on the floor, a grin on his face.  "Help me up why don't you?"

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him up.  I leaned against the wall, wrapping my arms arouns him so we were both a bit more stable.  "Guess what."  I whispered in between sloppy kisses.

  "What?"  He asked, almost giggly himself.  I kinda liked a drunk Kyoya, he was very different from normal kyoya.

  "I love you."  I smiled, covering his mouth with my hand as he went in for another kiss.  "I think it took way too long for me to say that, but I really do love you." 

  He pulled my hand off his mouth with a smile.  "I know, I love you too.  Have ever since we were in middle school."

  "Well then I guess we both shoulda said something sooner, huh?"  I kissed him again, my hands trailing up to his hair.

  "Would have saved us a lot of hassle, that's for sure."  He agreed, placing his hands firmly on my hips.

  "Oh shut up."  I smirked.  "Come with me."  I grabbed his hand and ran down the hall quietly, stopping outside of my room.  "On the other side of this door, all your wildest fantasies will come true!"  I giggled.

  "I like the sound of that."  He smirked, taking control of me by picking me up and shoving the door open rather loudly.  He tossed me on my bed and shut the door, starting back for me with an eager grin.  He stopped on top of me, leaning over me so he could have better access to my waiting mouth.  He reached for the hem of my shirt when I had to stop for a minute.

  "Wait a second."  I whispered, crawling out from underneath him.  I pulled open a dresser drawer and pulled out an unopened box.  I fished around in the box for a moment before pulling out the holy grail.  "Gotta be safe."  I whispered and returned to him.

  And for the rest of the night, I let him lay claim over me.

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