7- Meet The VP

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“C’mon, let's sneak out of here.  Tamaki’s gonna be hunting us down if we don’t hurry up.”  I grabbed Kyoya’s hand and pulled him out of the booth. “And Benio’s gonna be on my ass for letting that happen.”

  “You surprise me everytime y/n.  I don’t know how you do it.” He smirks but immediately stops in his tracks.  “I had better go make sure Tamaki and the twins haven’t killed any of your club members.”  He says, frowning.  

He was right.  “I’d better go make sure Benio and the girls didn’t kill anyone either..”  I feel sweat forming on my forehead. “Why are these clubs so predictable...”

  “Believe me.  I know.” He sighs and heads back into the aud.  I follow behind at a close distance, my eyes tracing the stage for any of the unlucky students swept up in the clubs rival drama.  

  “Kyoya, Y/n!”  A screech comes from somewhere in the room, and out of nowhere comes a flying kick from Tamaki.  We step to the side as he falls flat on his face. “You idiots!” He cries, staring up at us from the ground.  “Y/n, why would you take my precious Haruhi from me? Look at my daughter!! And Kyoya! Why would you help her?  I knew you guys were planning something!” He curls up in his little cocoon ball and cries. 

  “Tamaki, you’re an idiot.”  Kyoya and I say, looking at each other with a grin.  “Now get up you big fool. She was fine the whole time.  Right Ranka?”

  Haruhi’s father takes a step back, trying to hide behind a chair.  “Maybe..” He says quietly, earning a glare from Haruhi and Tamaki.

  “I called Ranka last night and I promised to be extra nice to Haruhi today.  So chill out. Kyo-Chan and I just wanted to have a little fun, right Kyo-chan?”

  “Kyo-chan?”  The twins whispered amongst themselves, then glared evilly at Kyoya.  “Kyo-chan eh..”

  “Call me Kyo-chan and I knock you guys 6 feet under.”  He growled, glaring back at them. 

  “Y/n!”  I heard a voice call.  "are you alright?  Those Host Club boys didn't do anything to you, did they?  If you guys laid even a finger on her, I swear-"

"Benio."  I glanced up at the stage.  "Please forgive me. I’m afraid the Booth Manager was nowhere in sight.  Someone must have snuck in.”  

  “You!”  Tamaki cried, and looked as if he were ready to pounce.  

  “Down boy.”  I grabbed the collar of his shirt.  “Benio, head back to the club room, I’ll get them out of here.”

  “I’ll be waiting, my maiden.”  She grinned and walked out of the room.

  “Tamaki, I’m sorry I went behind your back.  Will you forgive your big sister?” I asked, kneeling down beside him.  “I’ll make you breakfast for a month.”

  He looked up at me.  “Anything I want?”

“Sure.  Why not.”

“Fine, I forgive you.”  He stood up and brushed himself off.  “Haruhi!” He leaped over and grabbed her, hugging her like a puppy.  She bopped him on the head and he lay on the floor sobbing pitifully.

“I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself properly.”  I said, stepping over him to the rest of the club. “I’m Y/n Suoh.  Vice President of the White Lily Leagues Zuka Club.”

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