15- Objection

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"We object."

Once the words had left my mouth, I knew this was the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" My father asked, jumping from his seat. "I don't believe I gave you the option to object, did I?"

"Hiro, what are you doing?" His father asked, jumping up beside mine.

I glanced at my grandmother, who was now standing.

"Father I-"


Some part of me knew my grandmother would become physical if I rejected her wishes. But I never expected her to do it in front of so many people.

I held my cheek with one hand while the other one supported me against the alter.

"You foolish girl." My grandmother stated, as if that would change my decision.

"Father." I started, standing up straight, letting my arms fall to my side. "I object. I object to this wedding, and I object to you."

Gasps sounded out around the room. I felt a little light headed but clutched the podium for support.

"I don't want your company if you are going to be deceitful to your only son. If that's the type of man you are, a coward who feels the need to make up for his actions, then I want nothing to do with you." I paused. "Furthermore, Hiro and I are not in love. Correction, we are in love. But not with each other." I eyed the boy in the back. "I'm in love with someone who's more of a man than you could ever be. And Hiro, well.. he is too."

Hiro stepped up beside me. I took his head and squeezed it. "Go get him."

He nodded and dashed off, heading towards the back as I stumbled to the girls.

"There will be a wedding today father, but it won't be mine." I smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen, the grooms!" I held my hand out as the two men started forward, grinning like lovesick fools. "And if you have any objections, you'll have to get through me first." I said, glaring at my father and grandmother.


The two were married and the reception went on as normal. I stood quietly in the doorway with Fuyumi as everyone talked amongst themselves, confusion draped across their faces.

"I can't believe you actually did it." She said, nudging me in the side.

"Well, It was time. My father my not realize it, but I'm not the one best suited for the job." I sighed. "However, I have feeling it's not over just yet. My brother may just be their next target."

"Well, here they come. I'll leave you guys alone." She squeezed me in a hug as a familiar voice rang out.

"Y/n-chan!" I smiled widely and grabbed the small boy in my arms.

"Hani, I've missed you so much!" I cried, squeezing him as tightly as I could.

"Well, that was a major turn of events, wouldn't you say boss?" The twins stepped up in front of me and I squeezed the with just as much force as with Hani.

"I'll say! Who knew you had it in you!" Tamaki said softly, scuffing his toe into the ground.

I set Hani down and stepped up to him. "I'm so sorry Tama-chan." I whispered, pulling him into a hug. Tears stung my lids as I held him tightly.

"It's okay. I trusted you knew what you were doing." He said, holding me at arms length. He leaned into my ear. "Although I think there's a certain someone you need to apologize to. You got him all worked up for nothing." He said, smiling.

I nodded, glancing around the room. He stood with My three Bridesmaids, a uneasy look on his face. I said my hello to Mori before taking my leave.

"Hey.." I whispered, stepping in front of him. "I'm sorry."

He licked his lips and nodded. "I know."

"Can you forgive me?" I asked, grabbing one of his hands.

A small smile came to his face. "Only if you'll do me the pleasure of dancing with me."

I nodded. "Of course."

We made our way onto the dance floor beside Hiro and his now Husband. We swayed in silence for a bit, my head resting on his chest. "How's your cheek?" He asked after a moment, moving his hand from my waist to my face.

"Stings a little bit.. Nothing I'm not used to though." My grandmother has physically hurt me in the past when she didn't get her way, as I knew Kyoya's father was too.

He nodded, stroking his thumb along my cheek. Suddenly, a coy smile came to his face. "Now that you aren't a married woman, would you like to tell me what that was up there? 'Hiro and I are not in love. Correction, we are in love. But not with each other.'" He quoted, looking down at me.

"Well-" I paused momentarily, thinking. "Fuck it." I whispered, grabbing his face. I placed a kiss on his lips with such force that he almost toppled, grabbing onto me for support.

"That's a good enough answer for me." He whispered, returning the kiss. We stayed that way for a while, until I heard a small giggle from behind us.

"Who knew it would be y/n to pull the moves on Kyoya, huh boss?" Kaoru whispered loudly, directing his comment at me.

I rolled my eyes, pinching his cheek.

"You won that one Kao-chan!" Hani said, holding out some cash. "But my money's still on Tama-chan for the other one."

"Did you guys bet on us?" I asked, leaning into their faces.

"Mhm! We also bet on Tama-chan and Haru-chan!" Hani said, gaining a bright red reaction from Tamaki, who was watching Haruhi dance with Benio.

"Go steal her away, tamaki." I whispered, kicking him in their direction.

He gulped and nodded.

I sighed. "Well, I think today calls for a drink. But no telling, alright?"

The group nodded eagerly, and I smiled. "I'll make dinner tonight, and we can party till the sun rises."

Kyoya wrapped his arms around me, his hands trailing my sides as he hummed happily.

"Looks like Kyoya wants to party a little early." He whispered in my ear, quiet enough that the rest of them didn't hear.

"Mr. Ootori!" I gasped, spinning to face him.

He chuckled and kissed me again, hugging me tightly to him.

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