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  "Mrs. Ootori, your regular is here."  A nurse said, popping her head in my office.

  "Thank you, what room will she be in?"

  "Room 3, ma'am." 

  "Alright, I'll be right in."  I sighed, standing up from my chair.  I grabbed the folder off of my desk and leafed through it as I headed down to room 3.

  "Hello Miss Suoh!"  I smiled, grinning down at my niece.

  "Hi!  Aunty, guess what!"  She exclaimed, bounding up to me happily.  "I lost a tooth last night!  And the tooth fairy gave me one thousand yen!"

  I smiled and looked up at Haruhi.  "Really?  Thats amazing sweetheart!"  I cast her a look, which she returned with a smile. 

  "Tell her what else you got Darling!"  She said, raising her eyebrows in amusement.

  "Oh yeah!  Daddy got me a pony!  Cause when you lose your first tooth, you're supposed to get a pet!"  She exclaimed.

  "Wow!  A pony!"  I chuckled, lifting her up onto the exam table.  "Well I guess we better get this done quickly so you can go home to your pony, huh?"


  "Alright arms up."  I said, pulling her shirt up so I could see her stomach.

  "That tickles!  She cried as I put the stethoscope to her back.  "It's cold!"

  "She sounds good."  I say, turning my attention to Haruhi.  "And she's acting just like Tamaki, but I would keep an eye on her.  Chronic Pneumonia can strike up at any time, especially with asthma attacks.

  She nodded.  "I told her to be careful, but no!  Only listens to her dad!"

  I laugh.  "Yes well, with you two as her parents I think she'll be just fine."  I turn back to my niece.  "Alright, you want a sticker?"

  "Yes!"  She jumped into my arms and we headed out to the front reception desk.

  "Can we get this special girl a sticker?"  I asked, smiling at the receptionist.

  "Of course!  What do you want this week Kana?  A kitty or a puppy?"  The lady asked and held up two shiny stickers.  "How about this, i'll give you both, for being such a good sport!"

  Kana's eyes went wide.  "Really?"


  Kana took the stickers happily and held them up to Haruhi.  "Look!  I got two stickers this week!"

  "How about a lollipop?"  A voice came up from behind us.

  "Uncle Kyoya!  Do you mean it?"  She asked, jumping in circles around him.

  "Sure, why don't we go choose one out?"  He winked at Haruhi and I and took the girl by the hand to go get a treat.

  "You guys!  Between you two and Tamaki, she is going to be the most spoiled girl on the planet!"  Haruhi exclaimed, leaning against the desk.

  "Nah, she'll just know how much her family loves her!"  I retorted.  "Besides, you treat Yuki just the same!"

  "Yes well, thats different!"  She responded, avoiding eye contact with a grin on her face.

"How is that any different?"  I asked, nudging her playfully.

  "It just is!"  She cried, laughing.

  "Well she was my last appointment for the day, are you guys still coming over for dinner?"

  "Yeah.  We're picking the twins up from the airport on the way over, so we'll be a bit late.  Or more, depending on if Tamaki loses his mind before then."  She chuckles. 

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