8- The Clubs' Dinner

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"You're part of the Zuka Club?"  Hani cried, bouncing around me. "But Tama-chan is part of the Host club!  Does that make you guys rivals?"

  "Tamaki may be the president of the club my partners hate the most, but I have no time to deal with foolish arguments."  I smile. "Besides, I have an in on both clubs, so that gives me an upper hand advantage to both of you guys. I think of it as a fun little game."

  "Isn't my sister the coolest!?"  Tamaki shouted, sidling up beside me.  "She's nothing like those other stupid Zuka Club members!"

  "Speaking of which, I'd better go make sure Benio is alright.  You guys sure bruised her ego today." I shrugged. "I'll stop by afterwards and I'll make you all dinner.  I'll make it up to you Haruhi, how about that? Ranka, would you like to join us?"

  "Y-yeah!  I'd like that!"  They said, smiling.  

  "Now will someone get me out of this dress?!"

  I chuckled and started walking away.  

Kyoya's POV:

   "Wow Tama-chan, your sister is really nice!"  Hani said, his eyes following her as she left the room.

  "Yeah boss!"  The twins smirked.  "You can have Haruhi, we're taking your sister!"

  "What!?  You dirty twins stay away from my sister, you hear me?!"  He cried, shoving them to the side. "And what do you mean you don't want my Daughter!?"  He placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay Haruhi! I'll always be here, even if those shady twins don't want you."

  "Hikaru.  Kaoru." I turned around.  

"Yes Kyoya?"  Hikaru asks, turning towards him.

  "Lay off Y/n."

  "Huh!?"  Tamaki cried.  "You don't have plans for my sister do you Kyoya?!  How dare you, I knew it!"  

  "Tamaki, you really are an idiot aren't you?"  Ranka piped up from beside me, sending him running towards the door.  

  "He is."  I muttered, turning on my foot away from the group.  "A big idiot."

  "Hey Tamaki."  Hani stopped bouncing and turned towards him.  "She really cares about her club members, just like you, doesn't she?  I mean, she went running after the scary president lady, even though it was you who ruined her show!"

  Tamaki twitched, but I saw something flash in his eye.  "You really think I'm like my- sister?" He asks, and I chuckle to myself.

  "Your sister mentioned you alot today Tamaki-Senpai!"  She smiled. "But it's a secret." she put a finger to her lips.

  "Really, what was it Haruhi?  Won't you tell Daddy?" He begged, but she shook her head.  

  "I need to get back home before we eat tonight.  It's been a Long day." She stretched her hands out, emphasis on the word long.  "And Tamaki-senpai? Remind me, I have a lot to thank your sister for. After all, she's got an awesome little brother."


  "Benben?  Are you in here?"  I asked, pushing open the door to the club room.

  "Over here!"  She grumbled, sticking her head up from behind the couch.  "Those stupid Host Club idiots. Always taking over my plans..."

  "I mean, we could have gone about it better.  We did kidnap her from her own home." I said, sitting down beside her.  "And maybe you should stop trying to steal her firsts."

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