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The room was silent. No one dares break the silence in fear to shatter the young man before them.

A selfless young man that bore a cruel fate. 

Dying at the hand of one he loved. 

Dying at the hand of a brother.

" There was part of the rock that stuck out from the rest, I knew if I could get my foot on it, I would have enough leverage to have Lan Zhan pull me up. But it did not happen like that," Wei Ying said, finally breaking the silence. 

The room felt too stuffy. Lan Zhan did not cry. 

Lan Xichen took a deep breath, " But then Jiang Cheng came," he said, filling in the gaps of the story. 

A nod.

" Perhaps it was best," Wei Ying responds. 

Lan Qiren's eyebrows raise, and he involuntarily shakes his head. Never had h thought the day would come that he would feel bad for the notorious Yiling Patriarch. But here he was after bringing that very person back from death. 

Lan Xichen has nothing to say to Wei Ying, how could he. What is there to say. 

An angel, Lan Zhan, decided Wei Ying was an angel. 

No person could have been so willing to give up everything yet, not be bitter about it. Thus he much be an angel. 

" Wei Ying, no," Lan Zhan said. Lan Qiren was still getting used to watching the two boys interact. It was unique to watch. They seemed to dance around each other. There were no spoken words needed on Lan Zhan's side. Wei Ying always knew what Lan Zhan wanted to know. It was actually quite a delicate balance.

Like the moon fell in love with the sun. The two revolved around one another. Neither was completed without the other. 

Lan Zhan suddenly stood. Everybody watched him with curious eyes as he went to his bed. Lifting a pillow, he pulled out a long black object with blood-red tassels hanging off of it. 

"Chenqing," Wei Ying breathed out. 

Lan Zhan reached his hand out so Wei Ying could grab it. But Wei Ying hesitated. If he took Chenqing was that weakness. But without Chenqing, he was nothing.

" Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said, and with that Wei Ying swung his hand out and grabbed Chenqing immediately; he felt the immense power of Chenqing flow through him. He remembered making it in the burial mounds. 

Oh, how the burial mounds haunted him.

They were a refuge when he hid from the world. But a constant reminder that he did not belong in this world. His lids dropped as he thought. 

Everyone watched as he closed his eyes, he looked so lost in thought. 

The black mist surrounded him. Lan Xichen pulled Liebing out as sect leader Lan watched perplexed. 

Lan Zhan watched mystified. He would never say anything, but he thought it was beautiful the way the mist clung to Wei Ying's form. It was dangerously beautiful. Pulling Wei Ying closer to Lan Zhan's heart. 

Wei Ying's eyes snapped open.

"Wen Ning," are the first words out of his mouth. Before anyone can ask what he means by that. The door opens.

A tall man in white robes walks in. 

" Ah, doctor Lan Zhi, " Lan Qiren says 

The man gives a curt nod before bowing at precisely ninety degrees. 

Then he notices nobody is in bed.

" Where is second young master," he asks before he looks and sees Lan Zhan standing over Wei Ying. "Ah, you should be resting," the doctor scolded. Then he sees Wei Ying and Wei Ying is cold in the older man's scrutinizing glance. 

" Ah, this is.. " Lan Xichen trails off. 

" You look like death, here let me examine you," he said, ordering Wei Ying to lay on the bed.
" Ah, ah, ah, not necessary," Wei Ying said. " A little food, and I will be good as new," he finished.
The doctor once again caught him in his scrutinizing gaze. Wei Ying gulped. 

" I have not seen you before, have I? No, no, I would remember," Lan Zhi said, looking incredulous at Wei Ying. Who for the hundredth time today paled. 

" Lan Zhi, he is a guest. He will be staying for a while," Wei Ying looked at Lan Xichen, who gave him a slight nod. 

" I'm Wei Wuxian," he said, giving a bow. Lan Zhi's mouth dropped open. 

" The Yiling Patriarch, b-but he is a mere boy," Lan Zhi said outraged. " And dead he is dead," Lan Zhi said, stumbling over his words.

" Ah, yes, it would be best if you don't mention this to the other's, yet we will be announcing his return to the cultivation world soon," Lan Qiren said with a tone of finality. 

Lan Zhi bowed understanding. " At least let me examine you," he said, looking at Wei Ying with newfound interest. 

"Mn," Lan Zhan said, pushing Wei Ying to the bed.

The man had a slightly confused look on his face after about five minutes. " I do not understand, you have no core, it is gone. But there is strong spiritual energy coursing through you," he said with furrowed brows.

Everyone drank that in, how, without a core, could someone have spiritual energy.

Wei Ying looked very confused. He had no spiritual energy, that is why he could no longer wield Subian.


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