Oh, by the way...

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Wei Ying and Lan Zhan spent the rest of the day recovering. 

Recovering old wounds and new ones.

Fixing their broken hearts.

Lan Xichen went back to his room in a state of elation. He pulled out years worth of wedding planning. Years meaning dating back to the week the two of them met. What could he say, Lan Xichen knew a fated pare if he ever did see one.

Lan Qiren drank tea while he reflected on the best way to tell everyone that the Gusu Lan sect had brought back the Yiling Patriarch himself. What could he say? Would anybody listen to the voice of reason that rang within his heart? 

They all hoped. 

During this time, the Lan clan's doctor was pouring over books in the library searching and scanning for answers in every line for some kind of sign. He had not found anything in the books that he had anticipated to find something in. But he still searched. 

    " Lan Zhan," Wei Ying stopped running his hands through Lan Zhan's hair.

    " Mn" was the response.

    " Do you think Jiang Cheng will... Will try to, well, you know.." Wei Ying trailed off as Lan Zhan caught Wei Ying's head between his hands. Wei Ying melted, looking into the golden orbs that brought him so much comfort. 

Lan Zhan internally sighed at the sight of Wei Ying's liquid silver eyes. He always had a hard time trying to understand why someone could have eyes that sliced through you like that. So sharp and piercing. He stopped his train of thought just to say, "Never," quite decisively.

Wei Ying smiled. His teeth a shock of white against his plush lips. Lan Zhan felt the profound pull of temptation to kiss him. To tie him up and never let him leave. 

Because no matter what he would have to do, he would never lose Wei Ying again. Wei Ying's lids slid closed content with the soft warmness of Lan Zhan's palms. Lan Zhan took this moment to appreciate everything about Wei Ying.

Every detail that he had missed while Wei Ying was gone.

Being close to him again, Lan Zhan felt, well, he felt alive. 

He laid his forehead on Wei Ying's eliciting a gasp from the latter. Wei Ying's eyes shot open the delicate forehead ribbon was pressed into his skin softly. Their breath mingled. Lan Zhan gave an inkling of a smile. 

Meanwhile, Lan Qiren had just come up with a brilliant idea if he did say so himself. Not that he would ever brag about it because bragging was forbidden in Cloud reassess. So he found himself walking to Lan Xichen's room. 

He gasped upon entering. " Lan Xichen, what is this mess. Messiness is forbidden," Lan Qiren said voice filled with horror. Lan Xichen bowed for his transgressions and said he would accept any punishment sect leader found permittable. Lan Qiren just nodded.

    " What is this mess," Lan Qiren asked again, still looking quite scandalized to find his OWN nephew amid such a mess.

    " Wedding plans, uncle," Lan Xichen stated. Lan Qiren's brow rose into a defined arc. Lan Xichen thought it fit for them to pop right off his uncle's forehead at this rate.

    " So soon," sect leader said, finding a clean spot to sit. Lan Xichen only nodded in agreement to the statement. 

    " What brings you here, uncle," Lan Xichen finally asks as he was arranging papers in some sort of orderly fashion. 

    " I think I have found a way to present whom we have brought back," it was Lan Xichens turn to raise a well-manicured brow at his uncle.  He nodded, thoughtfully urging his uncle to continue.

    " We show them," Lan Qiren finally spit out. 

Lan Xichen tilted his head slightly. His angular features casting shadows down his delicate face. Then all at once, he seemed to grasp his uncle's desires and, with a sharp intake of breath, said,      " Uncle, is that not an invasion of privacy," his uncle looked torn.

    " Not all of it," he confirms, " Like what we saw," it was a logical idea. Lan Xichen was impressed his uncle had put so much thought into it. But would it be too much? It pained him to think about, what would it do to others that still cared?

Then a thought slipped into his head, others who still cared. Wei Ying did not know. 

How could he have overlooked this detail? 

He looked at his uncle in concern.

    " Uncle, we have a problem," his uncle huffed.

    " What, if you don't like my idea, then say so," Lan Qiren said, looking at his nephews now concern riddled face. "Spit it out then," he said. 

    " Wei Ying does not know," is all Lan Xichen said, and his uncle's face dawns in realization. 

    " Oh no," Lan Qiren mumbled. 

    " How do we explain that to him," Lan Xichen asks, sounding worried and a bit frazzled that it had not crossed his mind earlier. He closed his eyes, feeling the beginning of a headache.

Lan Qiren just looked cross. 

This was a mess. 

What would Wei Ying think? 

How would he react?

This could be a disaster. 

Authors note. 

If anybody got the secret Hamelton quote hidden in this. 




Leave a comment if you like were this story is going. 

Have a great day/ night; please stay safe and healthy. 



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