What haunts him...

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Jiang Cheng couldn't get to sleep. He was going for a walk when he ran into a guest of his.

      " Nie Huaisang," Jiang Cheng fumbled cheeks going red in seconds. 

     " Ahh, hello Sect leader Jiang," Huaisang says his own cheeks  were turning crimson. " What are you doing up so late," he asks in a stroke of boldness.

     " Can't sleep," Jiang Cheng says after perching on ledge Huaisang quickly following his lead. 

      " The wedding," Nie Huaisang said, shocking Jiang Cheng, who only nods. " Yes, I thought it might," Nie Huaisang said gently.

      " How can he marry someone," Jiang Cheng whispered softly. " How after losing someone like him," he said. Nie Huaisang could feel years of hurt coming out in these words. So he let Jiang Cheng rant.

      " How am I to face this person that he has to marry. How can I see the love in the two if I know I killed Lan Zhan's soulmate. I killed him," Jiang Cheng paused his fists clenching. " I still love him, and I miss him every day. I can't fathom how Lan Wangji feels. I told him to go to hell; it's me that will go to hell," at this comment, Nie Huaisang stopped him.

    " No, you won't, y-you can't," he said, trying to sound firm but ultimately failing. 

     " Why did they have to invite me? I don't want to see what I have done to him. I haven't seen him since well since he died," Jiang Cheng said.

     " Wei Wuxian," Nie Huaisang suggested. To which Jiang Cheng violently convolved upon hearing the name. " You need to say his name," Huaisang said, his tone still a bit shakey.

     " I can't," is all that was whispered. The words blew in the breeze for a couple of minutes. The realization hit Jiange Cheng like a flying slipper. The guilt.

They didn't know someone else had been listening. Someone else had heard. I figure in the shadows. One that would lurk behind the shadows until the light appeared.

       " How do I go watch him marry someone I know is his second choice," Jiang Cheng sounded broken. Like a record that could only repeat. It was a painful revelation for Nie Huaisang to listen too. It was no secret the Huaisang had feelings for the Jiang clan leader. So listening to him berate himself like this was painful. He wanted nothing more than to comfort him tell him everything was okay. But how could he?

 He had killed Wei Ying. There was no way around it. 

      " I would give anything for him to come back," Jiang Cheng finally said. A sliver tear tracked it's way down his cheek. 

     " Ah, ah, I know," a new voice said. One that Jiang Cheng thought he would never hear again. A voice that had haunted him. 

Jiang Cheng shot up from his perch and searched the surrounding area. Nie Huaisang heard it as well and cowherd. How?

     " Who is there," Jiang Cheng asked. Nobody answered.

Wei Ying stood behind a pillar. He may or may not have snuck out of cloud Reasessess with Lan Zhan. 

It had all been A-Yaun's plan, really. The boy was a genius no doubt, he did have two of the most prestigious fathers in all of the cultivation worlds, so it was understanding how the boy could be so preceptive.

But being caught was not part of the plan. Originally it was to make sure that Wei Ying would not freak out upon seeing his brother. But the words that were pouring out of Jiang Cheng's mouth made Wei Ying's heart heavy. It hurt to hear him say any of this. Even if he killed him, he would always love him. 

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying left without another word. The latter was holding on tightly to Lan Zhan as he cried into his robes. Lan Zhan felt his heartstrings tug. He was no fan of Jiang Cheng, but he could now see the man was not as much of a villain he had thought. Though he didn't think he would ever forgive Jiang Cheng for what he did, he could see it from his point of view.

That night Wei Ying lay in the arms of his soulmate, thinking of his broken-hearted brother that was so far away. He heard all the world that Jiang Cheng had said, and he wanted to believe them, and he was so close to believing them. 

When Lan Zhan started humming, Wei Ying's eyes fell closed in a second. His worries were forgotten as his lover continued to hum their song. 

He was asleep in seconds. Leaving Lan Zhan to his own inner thoughts.

Authors note.


Double update because I love you all and because I didn't update for two days. 

I cried a little writing this. I feel like Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying never gets to really say how they feel to each other, and I think that they need justice brought to their brotherhood. Because no matter what anyone says Wei Ying brings out the best in Jiang Cheng,

Thank you for reading!!!! Please stay safe during these times.

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