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It felt like years ago when, in reality, it had only been weeks. 

Lan Qiren had grown undeniably fond of the boy and the effects he had upon his nephew. Lan Qiren may be a stingy older man, but he knew a good thing when he saw it. 

Lan Xichen felt like he had completed the most challenging task that there was. He had successfully got Wei Ying and Lan Zhan together. There were only a few minor bumps on his road to getting it. If you counted someone dying and being brought back to life minor. Lan Xichen was a firm believer in eternal love, so he had not feared too greatly that Lan Zhan would move on from Wei Ying. Giving him plenty of time to work his magic.

Lan Sizhui was happy to have his father back. It had meant the world to him that he could finally meet the man his Haungan-Jun was ALWAYS going on about. To put a face to the overly kind and protective words spoken on Wei Wuxian's behalf. He had known for a long time that it was more than friendship that his father had harbored towards Wei Wuxian. He was happy to have met Wen Ning, though he had no real recollection of him, he still understood that Wen Ning was his only surviving blood relative.

Jiang Yanli could not be more over the moon. Her little brother was back, and he was well. Though a little paler and thinner than before, he was still the kind A-Xian she remembered from before. She loved and tried to dote on him as much as possible before he left for his and Lan Zhan's trip. They were going to travel for some time. Catch up with each other.

Jiang Cheng was well; he was not sure what he was feeling. On one hand, this was his sworn brother. On another hand, this was the Yiling Patriarch. But looking at Wei Ying now, he felt contradicted to the latter statement. How could his brother and the Yiling Patriarch be the same person? His warm-hearted brother, who somehow reminded him of a kicked puppy when he did not get his way, could not be the same man who brought terror to so many. The duality of the mess frustrated him.

There were no words for the happiness Lan Zhan felt bloom in his chest when he saw, heard, or felt Wei Ying. There was this feeling of utter feeling of wholeness. Wei Ying made him feel, and it was terrific. He was so in love that it hurt to be away from Wei Ying's grasp. He held the man with a newfound urgency. Knowing what a world without Wei Ying was like, he would never wager that price again. Lan Zhan felt like he was holding the whole world in the palm of his hand anytime Wei Ying's smaller hand brushed across his.

Wei Ying was back. Happy to be with his loved ones. But he was tormented from his past. So hurt. Every time he closed his eyes, the dead Wen's flashed in his mind, or he was falling again or stuck in the burial grounds. Every night he is careful not to wake Lan Zhan when he jolts awake. The worst it the memories of being dead. Death was a cruel thing. It took from you what you had left and stripped you of everything you once had. It left Wei Ying broken and hurt. Even though he knew he was no longer dead, he could swear he could feel the cold fingers of death slowly pulling him back into the shadow realm.

The night before Wei Ying and Lan Zhan took off for there travel, Wei Ying once again wakes from a nightmare.

Wei Ying was cold and clammy. He was falling, and it was never-ending. 

He could hear the ricochet of Lan Zhan's cry. It burned his ears.

 He landed. 

He couldn't feel anything. Nothing but cold. There was darkness all around him. There were cries in every direction. So much so that he couldn't focus on any in particular. 

He tried to cry out, but nothing would work. He sat in the dark, rocking himself back and forth when a low growl ripped its way out of the throat of a dog.

Not just one but a pack of them.

He was frozen in place; he couldn't move. He watched as the giant looming creatures crawled there way towards him. One of them got so close he could count how many teeth it had. He could smell the rancid breath of the creature. 

" No," he called out meekly, "No, no, no, NO," he gained volume steadily. 

He shot up covered in a thin layer of sweat and tears. He looked up only to be greeted by his husband's concerned gaze. The dam broke, and he launched himself into Lan Zhan's waiting arms.

" M' sorry," he mumbled as Lan Zhan gently combed his now tangled hair with his fingers.

" No need, when Wei Ying was gone, had nightmares every night," Lan Zhan admitted. Wei Ying looked up into Lan Zhan's deep golden eyes. 

" You had nightmares because of me," he asked.

" Because you were gone," Lan Zhan replied, his eyes soft. Wei Ying stiffened at that. He didn't like the idea of Lan Zhan being sad for him.

" What was it about," Wei Ying asked. Lan Zhan's expression clouded for a moment, and Wei Ying could see the gears shifting. The way Lan Zhan's guard went up. There was only one night that had caused Lan Zhan to have such a reaction. 

They shared a knowing look. Neither wanting to say it directly.

" I dream about that too," Wei Ying said slowly afterward. Lan Zhan nodded, understanding that it had been a traumatic experience. 

" What did you dream tonight," Lan Zhan asked tone careful as not to pry.

" Dogs," is all Wei Ying said his tone heald enough venom for the point to get across. 

" Dogs," Lan Zhan echoed, hoping for a more detailed answer. But then it seemed to hit him. " You are afraid of dogs," he asked though it was said more like a statement.

" Eh, Ya. They are mean, " Wei Ying said his lip's downturned into a pout. Lan Zhan frowned.

" Why," he asked as he had ever heard this before.

Wei Ying's face goes red. " Before Uncle found me, I was living on the streets. I had to fight the stray dogs for scraps often. Dog bites are not an easy thing to recover from," Wei Ying said, looking at Lan Zhan, but his eyes were a million miles away.

" The scar on your thigh," Lan Zhan said, remembering an ugly scar on Wei Ying's left thigh, high up. Wei Ying nod's his head solemnly.

" I love you," Lan Zhan said after a couple of beats of silence. 

" I love you too," Wei Ying says back as he lays his head on his husband's broad shoulder and closes his eyes sighing,

He could be content right here for the rest of is life.

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