Scars and love confessions.

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That is all Wei Ying could think of. 

Well, that and Lan Zhan. But Lan Zhan was always on his mind. The wedding was over. They had 'kindly removed' the people that seemed to be having lasting issues with the marriage. During the ceremony, only the family was allowed.

Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Baoshan Sanren, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Wen Ning, and Jin Ling. 

There had been a fuss about Jin Ling joining. Wei Ying insisted that he could be invited. Jin Ling was not sure how to feel about this man. He was a far cry from the terrible stories he had been told about the Yiling Patriarch. But this was still the man that had killed his father. Well, not actually, it was the ghost general who did that. Jin Ling could hardly afford to look onto Wen Ning's face.

" Wei Ying," Lan Zhan's soft voice cut through Wei Wuxian's inner turmoil. Wei Ying turns to look at his husband. OH, that felt weird.

" I love you," is all Lan Zhan says. Wei Ying feels so happy he could burst. Lan Zhan's golden eyes bore into the gentle silver of Wei Ying's.

"I love you more," Wei Ying says just as Lan Zhan dipped his hands down to pick Wei Ying off the ground. " Eh, Lan Zhan, what are you doing," Wei Ying cried out. 

" Carrying my bride," came the response. Wei Ying's face goes as red as his robes. 

" Haungan-Jun, I'm not a maiden in need of defending," Wei Ying says his voice muffled against the broad expanse of Lan Zhan's robe-clad chest. Then his eyes catch sight of something—an imperfection on his husband's flawless skin.

" Lan Zhan," Wei Ying says again as he brings his hands up and pulls at the robe. He pulls enough to reveal a scar. It was a burn mark to be more precise. 

One that matched his own perfectly. His eyebrows rose, almost too perfect. There would be no way someone could have given him that kind of scarring in the exact same spot Wei Ying had got his years ago. 

He raises his eyes to meet Lan Zhan's own again. 

" Why," is all he manages to ask. 

" Missed Wei Ying," Lan Zhan says, and Wei Ying swears he can feel his heart clench at the information. It feels like someone is squeezing his heart as hard as they could.

" Oh, Haugan-Jun," Wei Ying chokes out, burring his head into the neck of his lovers.

" It is ok. It made me feel close to you," Lan Zhan reassures. But that only makes Wei Ying sob harder. This was not right. It was not OK. Because he knew what Lan Wangji was talking about. Wanting to feel closer. When he was dead, he had to come up with as many ways as possible to think about Lan Zhan. It physically hurt not to think about him. It hurt knowing he was alive, and Wei Ying was not. 

It was in those moments Wei Ying had wished he was as cold and heartless as he had been portrayed. To not be able to feel the aching need to be near Wangji always. He felt uncertain when Lan Zhan was not around.

" Is that why you have the liquor under the floorboard," Wei Ying finally asked. Lan, Zhan nodded. 

" Wei Ying is the reason for everything," he says like it is the most simple thing ever. Wie Ying just looks at him incredulously. 

" You are just too good," he says, and Lan Zhan finds himself lost. Lost in everything that Wei Ying is. He feels the all-consuming need just to hold him. To be as close as physically possible. To hold tight onto this man and never let him slip through his grasp again. Because Wei Ying may thing that Lan Zhan was 'too good,' so to Wangji Wei Ying was merely perfect.

People could say what they wanted about the 'Yiling Patriarch' Lan Zhan knew the truth. Lan Zhan had stood there as Wei Ying burned brighter than the stars above. Watched as the man, he loved burned out like a dying star. But here he was again watching the star's light rekindle and burn far brighter than before. 

Wei Ying was achingly aware of three things: 

One; he was so far gone, and in love with the man in his arms, it made him sick. 

Two, he would do anything to protect the man in his arms.

Three, he would spend the rest of his life making up for the time he had not got to spend with this man.

The two sat like that for a long time. Both lost so far into their trains of thought they were practically gone. But the trains came to a screeching halt as Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's neck and dragged him into a long passionate kiss. 

That is when two teenagers decided they should leave the two adults alone...

Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui walked away, giggling hand in hand. 

" A- Yaun," Jingyi says to the boy next to him. 

" Yes," Sizhui says there is still a smile to his tone.

" I-I want to love someone that much," Jingyi declares. Sizhui stares at him full doe in the headlights look. Then his face goes entirely red, and he starts mumbling.

"I thought you did," he says finally. Jingyi looks up in surprise. If possible, Sizhui goes redder. The poor boy looked like he had been lit on fire. 

" I suppose I do," Jingyi finally says. The two shared a small smile with each other. 

Lan Xichen sighed. 

He hadn't meant to eavesdrop. It was an accident. He was on his way to find Nie Mingjue. He had just happened to stumble across the two juniors admitting their love for each other. 

He sighed. Did this mean he needed to start planning there wedding completely? He had already picked out all the essential thing s it was more the fine details that he needed to attend now.

Something about the wedding's it always seemed to bring people together he thought later on that night as he once again stumbled upon another couple admitting their feelings for each other. He didn't even have to meddle in this one. 

Well, other than the fact that he had found a matchmaker to get the two to meet. Other than that, Nie Mingjue and Long Shuai had fallen in love on there own. 

He grinned as he watched the two spar. 

Close enough to a confession, right?

That is how Lan Zhan and Wei Ying fell in love.

Authors note:

Thank You for reading. It means the world to me.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for all the support you guys have shown through the votes and the comments. Your feedback makes my day.


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