Rotten to the core

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Wei Ying was dead.

Not actually, he just felt like it. Though he would not tell his precious Lan Zhan this fact.

It had been a week since Baoshan Sanren said he would be well. The thing was that was a subjective term for it. Wei Ying felt like a sick man. The core was strong and it was ever prevalent to Wei Ying that it was there. At first, he did not know what to think of this as it had been many years since he had a core. It was welcome none the less. 

Lan Zhan was feeling greatly relieved, the color had started to come back into Wei Ying's features leaving the boy looking flushed. It was a welcome change to what he had been. Though Wei Ying did spend most of the days sleeping, and that left Lan Zhan feeling lonely. Though his brother and uncle were common  visitors. He had talked with Baoshan Sanren about his love's condition. She told him all about his time in the brutal grounds. All in all, he did not like the sound of the place before Wei Ying had taken the Wen's to inhabit the place. 

Jiang Cheng had got news of his sworn brother's condition getting better and immediately planned a trip out to the Cloud Recesses with Yanli and his nephew. Jin Ling was not impressed by this. He still was uncertain about how to feel that the Yiling Patriarch was alive, and his uncle, in away. His mother had told him lots of stories about the Yiling Patriarch, he didn't sound like the cold-blooded killer that made the Ghost General kill his father, but then again looks could be deceiving. His father didn't look like the snotty brat Jiang Cheng said he was. Tough his feelings about the Yiling Patriarch were uncertain, Jin Ling knew that he held the utmost hate for the Ghost General. The man was a killer, a vile excuse of a person, though he was not truly human. 

Yanli despised that her son held such a grudge against her Wei Ying. She had long forgiven him for what he could not control. She felt pained that he had spent so long hurting because of something that was not his fault. She could see in his eyes that he was just as broken as he was when he was cast out from the Jiang Sect, and that hurt her far more than any sword to the chest. 

When the world came into focus for Wei Ying the first thing he was aware of was the unquenched thirst he felt. His throat was dry and sore, the next thing he was aware of was the hunger that gnawed at his stomach painfully. His eyes opened and were greeted with Lan Zhan sitting on the floor meditating. Wei Ying made a show of yawning and stretching. He peeked an eye open and watched as Lan Zhan's eyes shot open and the man stood up as fast as he could without breaking any of the Lan Sect rules.

Wei Ying cracked a smile.

" Good morning sleepyhead," Wei Ying said scrunching his nose cutely. Lan Zhan just shot him an unimpressed look and handed him a glass of water. The man was a god Wei Ying decided. " You're such a good waiter dear, this is why I married you," Wei Ying says something mischievous glinting in his eyes.

" Mn," is all Lan Zhan says in response though Wei Ying sees the small upturn of his lips. Wei Ying gives a thousand-watt smile his cheeks scrunch up sweetly. He realized that he no longer feels ill, just rather hungry.

" Lan er Gege, I need food, before I die of starvation," Wei Ying says flailing his arms dramatically for show. Lan Zhan nods and without warning, he picks Wei Ying up and carries him to the dining hall. ( we shall pretend that is a thing) Wei Ying laughs lightheartedly. Lan Zhan sets him down upon the doorstep and goes to open the door as it comes swinging open. Startled Lan Zhan throws a protective arm around Wei Ying, who at the same time tries to step in front of Lan Zhan to shield him.

Lan Qiren looks at both of them funny before it dawns on him who exactly he is looking at. If he rejoices on the inside that Wei Ying is ok, well, that's personal. 

" Ah, young Wei Ying, feeling better," he imposes looking the boy up and down, a little skinny but other than that he appears to be in perfect health.

" Yes, indeed," Wei Ying responds giving a smile. Lan Qiren gives a nod and he makes an exit. Lan Zhan shoots a knowing look after his Uncle. 

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