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This could be a disaster.

" Uncle, what do we tell him," Lan Xichen was pacing he only did that when he was really anxious.

" The truth," Lan Qiren said, sounding as though he wasn't completely sold on the idea himself.

" Yes," was Xichen's still response. " I suppose he should know," he finished closing his eyes in a sign of stress.

The two walked in comfortable silence on the way to the jingshi. They open the door to find the two so engulfed in each other's eyes, neither one of them is speaking. Just looking, if Lan Qiren didn't know any better, he would say they were communicating through the eyes. But of course, Lan Qiren knew better. 

" Sorry to interrupt, but we forgot to mention a small detail," Lan Xichen said as the two turned to pay attention to the two now in the room.

" Oh," Wei Ying said tone slightly concerned, brows creasing in worry.

" Well, there is someone who you should know is well there alive," Lan Xichen said a little remorseful. Wei Ying just looked confused. Lan Zhan felt a pang of guilt wash over him.

How did he forget? This would be painful for Wei Ying to go through. 

" Who," Wei Ying asks his voice is careful.



" Who is alive," Wei Ying says his tone is low and quiet, and his eyes are full of emotions.

Lan Zhan breaks the silence, " Jiang Yanli," he says slowly.

Lan Zhan moves just quick enough to catch Wei Ying as he stagers backward. 

" No, she is dead. She died because of me. I got her KILLED Lan Zhan," Wei Ying thrashed his whole body violently convulsing with unrequited pain.

" Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said tone cutting edge and sharp. Begging him to calm.

Wei Wuxian's body reacted to Lan Zhan's tone. He deflated going limp in Lan Zhan's arm. Lan Qiren and Xichen watch in horror. How horrible it must be to think someone you love is dead and gone.

It hit Lan Qiren; that's how Lan Zhan had felt for seven years. But he would never let that happen again. 

" Wei Wuxian, I know it is a lot to take in," Lan Xichen said softly approaching Wei Ying the way one would approach an injured animal.

Wei Ying felt like an injured animal. Like he was backed into a corner. His sister was alive.

" Someone set it up," Wei Ying looks up, oh, he must have said that out loud.

" Why," he asks. But he knows the answer to that question. Who didn't want to hurt him? What a clever way to get to him. Use one of the three people he cares most about to turn another against him. 

The memory burned fresh in his mind. He could feel the worry and pain pulsating through his veins. The fiery pain as it became all-consuming as it took over his senses. He had relived that day many times since his death. 

He remembered the pain he felt as he saw the remints of a clan he fought so hard to protect hung like some sort of trophy for people to gawk at. The fire had burned hot in his chest at that moment. 

When Wen Ning and Wen Qing's burned remains were spread. How much he had wanted to scream and cry. Beg for it all to be some sick joke. But they were gone.

No one was on his side.

Except for his precious Yanli.

But now that was not the case. She was alive, and who knows what she blames him for.

But Wei Ying blamed himself too. Who else could he blame? If he had been stronger. 

Wen Ning's pale face flashed into his head. The boy was no killer, nor was he a monster, nothing evil. Wen Ning was everything good he was sweet and so willing to help. He was just a young boy. Yet he suffered such a fate. His sister was such a brave girl. Ready to do anything for her brother.

Wei Ying snapped back to the present with a huff of air. His vision was black and spotty. He could see the bright white of the Gusu Lan sect robes.

" Wei Ying," Lan Zhan called, and through the tunnel, Wei Ying could see Lan Zhan's striking face. He gave a lazy sort of smile, one that was happy and pained all the same. 

" What happened," Wei Ying asked, sitting up. 

" You fainted," a new voice says Wei Ying turns his head to see Lan Zhi. The doctor's face looks strict, and Wei Ying suddenly feels like he is a student, and he should be coping notes down. Witch Wei Ying felt ridiculous for because he was the Yiling Patriarch for god's sake.

" Ah," Wei Ying responds.

" It might be something that becomes a bit common. As you have just come back from death, your body is going through change. High levels of stress are bound to make you crack," the doctor explains.

It was nothing the group had not already heard. While Wei Ying was asleep, he had told them this was a possibility.

He also said he had a theory about Wei Ying's mysterious 'spiritual energy.' 

" I have made you some medicine. I would like you to take it twice a day. It should help with any other, umm, complications along the path to recovery," Lan Zhi said bowing and then taking his leave.

He wanted to get back to his research about the spiritual energy that lingered in Wei Wuxian.

" Wei Wuxian," Lan Qiren said tone serious. Wei Ying turned face solemn as he nods. " We will wait two weeks before we send out invitations to all the big sects to join us for a wedding. We will announce that it is Lan Wangji's wedding, but will not tell whom he is to wed. Then upon everyone's arrival, we will reveal you," Lan Qiren says. Wei Ying nods. " Then we need your approval to show them, " He says, making Wei Ying's eyes go wide.

" Show them what," Wei Ying said a bit hesitantly. 

" Everything," Lan Xicehn says. " It will be much like a projection of your life. To show everyone that we did not bring back the evil Yiling Patriarch they think you are. Instead, we brought back selfless Wei Ying," Lan Xichen finishes.

Even Lan Zhan seems apprehensive.

" How do we do that," Wei Ying asks.

" Similarly to when we brought you back, there is an arrangement of notes that can retell a story, " Lan Xichen says, hoping Wei Ying would agree.

Wei Ying nods.

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