Chapter 3:Get It Together

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I was at the restuarant, sipping on my second cup of tea and munching on a bowl of fruit. These girls were always late. I was still thinking about my somewhat argument with Devante earlier. Of course I wanted to have kids of my own but I had Calvin. At first I wish I had my own baby, one that me and Devante made and I carried.

But I eventually realized that it didn't matter who that baby came from, he was mine and I was his mother. I just didn't understand why Devante all of a sudden wanted a baby when he was on the fence about Calvin when he first found out about him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Lacey. "So why does my favorite person look like she's about to cry, you just finished a move for god's sake"she said. I smiled as I got up, hugging her.

"Omg, I miss you. Tell everything right after you tell me why you're upset"she said pulling away. I sighed, sitting down, she sat next to me. "What do you mean Lace, I'm fine. I just got back from filming a movie and me and Devante are doing great. What could possibly be wrong"I said, sipping my tea. "Jamila, you can't lie to me. I work with liars all day"she said. "I could see that you looked sad just from seeing you in the window, I taught you the tea trick and your voice gets high pitched when you lie"she said.

"No it doesn't"I said, hearing what she was talking about. "Okay it does"I said, slouching in my chair. "What's going on, I know the other ladies are gonna be late anyway"she said, picking a piece of pineapple out of my bowl. "Okay, this morning, Devante said that he wanted to have another baby"I said. She looked just as surprised as I was, "Like you and him, make a baby"she said.

"Yes"I said. "Oh girl, that's normal"she said. Wait, pump the breaks. "Wait, what"I said. "Girl, wanting another baby is totally normal for someone like Devante"she said.

"What do you mean"I said. "Let me break this down for you. Devante is in that stage of fatherhood where he is finally getting on track. The child is probably a toddler and he's doing great, cooking, cleaning and taking the child wherever it needs to go. Then, he wants to give his child a little sibling, then he goes to you. That's exactly what's happening and it's normal"she said. "Lacey, the thing is. I don't wanna have a baby"I said. She was obviously surprised, "Why not, I thought you were big about having kids"she said. "I was but I don't know, I'm not sure if I would be a good mother or not, especially with the parenting I grew up on"I said.

"Jamila, you know that's not true. Both you and Devante are doing a great job with Calvin, where is all of this coming from"she said. "Calvin was a little different. I did what I did because I was trying to help Devante. When Kim skipped town, I didn't want that little boy growing up thinking his mom didn't want him. I knew I had to step in and be his mother. I know that Calvin is doing amazing but Devante's mainly raising him. I'm so scared to mess up and I feel like if I do, it's going to ruin the little boy's entire life"I said. "Jamila, I promise you. Every mother makes mistake, heck, I've even made a few"she said. I was confused, "Lacey, you don't have any kids"I said. "I did, a long time ago"she said.

I was so confused. "When me and Micheal first got married, back when I was like 20, I got pregnant. We were both so young and I was still in college and I knew a baby would ruin everything I had going on. My mom already didn't like Micheal and if I came home with his baby, she would disown me. So, I made the decision to get rid of it"she said. I gasped, "Lacey, you had an abortion"I said. She nodded, "Jamila, it was probably the biggest mistake I ever made in my life and since then I've regretted it. I know when I do have kids, I will make mistakes but those mistakes is what makes us great parents"she said. I sighed, "That's not the only thing"I said.

"Oh lord, how this much drama and you just got back last night"she said. "He was talking about marriage. He wanted to get married and have a baby"I said. "Well, what did you say"she said. "I said no to both,I don't wanna get married"I said. "Wait, hold up. So you're telling me you don't want to have a baby with him and you don't to marry him. What in the world is wrong with you Jamila"she said.

"Lacey, marriage doesn't work for me. It just doesn't. I tried to marry Devante and I cheated, I tried to marry Lashawn and he went to jail"I said. "Look at it this way, you and Devante were just starting your careers, you had just graduated high school. No marriage in that condition of a relationship was bound to work. With Lashawn, he was a psycho from the start. You should't have even said yes when he asked. Now, you and Devante have gone to therapy, you have a baby. Your relationship is in the perfect spot to get married, and have a baby"she said. "Lacey, I don't know about this"I said. "Jamila, I know and I know you need to sit down with your man and talk"she said. "You know what, sometimes I hate you"I said.

"Hey, you can't possibly hate Miss Lacey"I heard, looking behind me and seeing Tiffany. I jumped up, giving her a hug. "Omg Tiff"I said. "It's Mrs Knight in the flesh"she said flaunting her very expensive wedding ring. While I was in Rehab, Suge and Tiffany decided to go public with their relationship. Suge went through a very public and painful divorce fight and won.

Two weeks later, they went to Hawaii and got married. That happened a little bit before I left for Toronto. She pulled away from me and went to Lacey. I then saw Ro, flaunting her huge baby bump. "Oh my god Ro, is that what I think it is"I said.

"yes ma'am, baby number two on the way"she said. I squealed as I pulled her into a hug. She pulled away, smiling. "How far long are you"I said. "Five months, Esme and Dalvin are excited. We're having a little boy"she said.

"Aww, I'm gonna be an auntie again"I said. "Hey, auntie and baby mama, sit down. We got some catching up to do"Lacey said. I sat down, realizing one person was missing. "Wait, where's Shanice"I said. "You didn't hear"Ro said.

I was confused. "While you were gone, Shanice and K-Ci eloped in Paris, they're still there for their honeymoon"Lacey said. "What, are you serious. How come no one told me"I said. "We thought you knew, K-Ci told Dalvin and the boys first"Ro said. I sighed, "Y'all, I'm the only one who's not married. All of y'all are either married, got kids or both"I said, slouching.

Lacey shot me a look, I replied with the middle finger. "Woah, we gotta talk about what that was"Tiffany said. I looked over at Lacey, "it's a very long story"I said. I'm gonna need another cup of tea.

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