Chapter 16:Sold Out

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It's been three months and of course, I'm still pregnant. I'm now five months pregnant and it's getting hard for me to hide this. I went from wearing my more tight clothes to dressing like I did in high school. Over sized sweatshirts and cargo pants. Devante seems to not suspect anything which is good.

I wasn't throwing up anymore but I was very uncomfortable. Since my first doctor's visit, I've been going everyday so that the doctor can do some test. Since I was still doing the movie soundtrack, I would tell Devante I was leaving to go record when in actuality, I was going to the doctor and then heading to the studio. So far, it seems like nothing is changing. They've been giving me meds, bringing in a midwife to try and help and nothing at all is working.

I never thought being pregnant would be this miserable. When Ro was pregnant with Esme, she was beyond happy. She seemed comfortable and the only time she didn't feel well was in her first trimester and when she gave birth. Now she's pregnant again with baby boy and she still seems like her normal self. With me, I'm hiding it like I'm teenager and my baby is harmed by some thing I thought would help me.

At this point, I'm regretting even getting pregnant. It hurts to say that but it's true. I wanted a baby and now that I have one, I feel awful. I in the studio alone, fixing some stuff with the soundtrack. I was exhausted and ready to sleep.

I lifted my sweatshirt, my five month baby bump peeking out. I was getting to the point were I couldn't even see my feet anymore. I rubbed my stomach. "Hi baby girl"I whispered. I found out a few weeks ago that I was pregnant with a baby girl.

I was looking for a name to call her instead of baby girl but I still haven't found one. She moved around in response. I giggled. Even though she had very week lungs and he body parts were kinda growing a little weird, she was still super active in there. "I bet you're in there just swimming around, having the time of your life"I said.

My smiled quickly faded, "Mommy's not having the best time out here, she wants you to get better so you daddy and your big brother can know about you"I said, rubbing my stomach. I started to cry, freaking hormones. "I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure you come out of there as normal and healthy as possible. I promise, you're gonna love it"I said. I dried my eyes, looking up and jumping when I saw Damon standing at the door. I quickly pulled down my sweatshirt, jumping up.

"How long have you been standing there"I said. "Long enough to know that's something's really wrong with you"he said. He walked in, closing the door behind him. He walked to me and put his hand on my stomach, I was tempted to swat it away. But I didn't.

"How far long"he said. I sighed, "I made five months yesterday"I mumbled. "Why haven't you told anyone"he whispered lightly, obviously concerned. "My doctor told me not to tell anyone, due to some health stuff"I said. "You wanna talk about it"he said.

I nodded as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the couch. He sat down next to me, pulling my feet on his lap. I didn't protest, I don't know why. He pulled off his my sneakers, exposing my swelled feet. No one tells you that you can wear your old shoes when you get pregnant. To be honest, there's a lot of things that people don't tell you when you're pregnant.

He started to massage my feet, a moan slipping out of my mouth. I quickly covered my mouth. He chuckled."It's cool, it happens. Now, what's going on"he said. "Look, I can't talk clearly with you rubbing my feet like this. Let up"I said.

He chuckled, going a little bit slower. "Can you talk now"he said. I rolled my eyes. He laughed, "Really, why haven't you told anyone"he said, getting serious. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone until they found out everything was okay"I said, he looked at me sideways. I sighed, "Well, I've been on birth control since I was 13"I said before he stopped me. "Wait, weren't on implants. Where you"he said.

I sighed, "Yea, I had implants. My nanny was so eager to get it for me that she didn't even bother to see what it would do"I said. "Do you know what that stuff does to your body, they're saying that condoms are better than implant birth control and to be honest, condoms suck"he said. I narrowed my eyes at him, "You would know, you got 4 babies now"I said. He stopped rubbing my feet, chuckling at the fact that I was now very mad.

"No, I'm sorry"I whined. "I don't believe you, you gotta say it like you mean it"he said. I rolled my eyes, I knew what the heck he meant. "Damon, you are the best person in the world I'm so very sorry"I begged, rolling my eyes. He chuckled and pulled my legs back on his lap, continuing to rub my feet.

"You can continue"he said. "Anyway, it started when Devante and wanted to get married and have another baby. I said no to both because I don't think marriage works for me and I don't want to have kids of my own without being married first. So that meant no marriage and no baby"I said. He nodded, still working at my feet. I continued. "Then we went to Hawaii and he proposed. Then and there, I decided I wanted to get pregnant"I said.

"Then I got pregnant and everything went wrong"I said. "So, what happened"he mumbled. "Well, you were in fact right on the first day of set because when I left, I found out I was pregnant. There was a flip side to it though"I said. He waited for me to continue. "The implant I guess did some damage to my reproductive system and it's completely hurting my baby. They're saying that I should just abort while I still have the chance since they say I could sick but I can do it"I said.

"Why not, if keeping the baby will put your life in danger, it's best that you just go ahead and abort while you can. You only have a month left before you can't"he said. "Damon, I can't do that to my baby. My parents abandoned me my entire childhood, they gave up on me. Aborting my baby when I still have a change to make her better is like I'm completely giving up on her. I can't do that, I can't be like my parents"I said. "There's a difference between your parent's situation and yours. Your parents simply were just horrible people, they weren't ready or capable to raise a kid so they just passed it on to someone else. With you, your life is in danger. It's either you live and can have another child or you die and that child lives without it's mother. You got a really big choice to make baby girl"he said. Damon wasn't wrong, I did have a big choice. I just didn't know what to choose.

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