Chapter 4:Anything

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I pulled up in front of Calvin's school, seeing parents walking out with their kids on their hips. Since we moved to Atlanta, Calvin has been going to this private prep school that I was on the fence about at first. My entire childhood was filled with prep schools,private schools and tuition. When I got to high school, I made the decision that I did not want to go to a private school. When Devante gave the brochure for Georgia Heights Prep School, I wasn't on board.

I wanted Calvin to grow up like a normal kid but Devante thought that it would give him a chance to get a good education and that's pretty much all I cared about. It was actually a good school and he could go all the way to his senior year. Eventually it grew on me. I was picking him up because one, I knew Devante was still mad and would forget to pick him up and I haven't seen my son in months. I got out of the car, walking to the front door and walking in. I hadn't really picked up Calvin a lot before I left since I was already preparing.

For the most part, Devante enrolled him and took him everyday. I walked down the hall, looking for his classroom. I peeked in one room, seeing him playing with another little girl. I walked in, watching him coloring with her. She was around his height but a little darker than Calvin's light chocolate complexion.

Her short curly hair was pulled into a ponytail with a ribbon tied around it. She was wearing a dress that was the same pattern as Calvin's little suit and bow tie. My thoughts were interrupted when a woman came up to me. She was wearing a knee length dress and short heels. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail.

"Hi, I'm sorry. Who are you here to pick up"she said, standing in front of me. I smiled lightly, "I'm here to pick up my son Calvin, I'm his mother"I said. She seemed a little surprised, "Is there a problem"I said. She snapped back, "No actually, I've just never seen you before. I thought Devante was the one to always pick him up"she said, Wait, since when have teachers ever called parents by their first name, especially prep schools.

I guess they've changed since I've been. "Yea, usually. I was gone for a few months shooting a movie so he would pick him up" I said. She looked closer at me, I kinda backed up. "I'm sorry, I just realized that you're Jamila Stevens"she said. I chuckled, "Yes, I am"I said.

"Wow, I'm huge fan"she said. "Thanks"I said. "But you know, I've been wondering. How is Devante doing"she said. Once again, his first name. No teacher does that.

"My boyfriend has been fine, thank you for asking" I said. She smiled, "That's great, tell him that coffee is still an option"she said. Coffee, why was coffee ever a discussion between them. I nodded. She started twirling her hair, looking at Calvin.

I rolled my eyes, I'm gonna have to talk Devante about her. "By the way, what's your name"I said. "Oh, Miss Tyler. You can call me Karina"she said. "No thank you, I think I'll stick to Miss Tyler"I said. She smiled slightly, continuing to twirl her hair.

Was this lady gonna give me my baby. "Um, well. Can I get my son"I said. "I'm sorry, of course"she said before calling his name. He turned around, immediately spotting me. I smiled, seeing his little face light up. He jumped up, running to me.

"Mama!!"he said as I picked him up, hugging him. "Hey baby, how was school"I said, putting him down. "it was fun"he said. I smiled at his toothy grin. He grabbed my hand, pulling me back to his spot.

"Calvin sweetheart, where are going"I said. He pulled me to the little girl he was sitting by. "Mommy, this is my girlfriend Tracy"he said, going back to his coloring sheet. Girlfriend, since when has my baby boy get a girlfriend. I was trying to hold back the laughter that I wanted to release.

Tracy turned around, smiling at me. She was missing a few of her teeth so it just made it so much more adorable. "Hi Mrs Carter, I'm Tracy"she said holding out her tiny hand. I squatted down in front of her chuckling. "It's nice to meet you Tracy and you can call me Miss Stevens"I said.

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