Chapter 19:Callin

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Me and Devante got back in the room, seeing that nothing really changed since we left. We spotted Calvin, seeing that he was having the time of his life with Tanya. It was now our job to talk with the other parents, even though I really didn't want too. Just as we were walking to this couple across the room, Karina showed up in front of us. She was wearing a short black dress, going above her knee and showing everything her mama gave her.

I know a teacher wasn't wearing a hooker dress at a freaking children's art gallery. She smiled brightly as soon as she saw Devante. I knew what was going on here. You can't fight Jamila, you're pregnant. Keep your cool.

"Hi Devante"she said. I flinched at the fact that she keeps calling him by his first name. You're our son's teacher, no one does that. "Hi, Mrs Tyler"he said, swiping his thumb over his nose. He only did that when he got nervous.

What in the world was going on here. She was obviously taken aback at the fact that he called her Mrs Tyler instead of Karina. Back home, every time he mentioned her, he said her first name. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that's weird. She turned to me, putting on a smile.

"Hi Jamila"she said. "I think I prefer Mrs Carter, if you don't mind"I said, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, showing off my engagement ring. I saw he jaw clench, she was obviously mad. Devante jumped in, "You did a great job with this place, it looks like a real gallery"he said, looking around at the pictures. I saw her blush, giggling like a teenager.

"Thank you, it took a lot of work. Calvin is such a talented little boy, most of these pictures are his. This also wouldn't be possible without parents like you"she said. He smiled lightly, I rolled my eyes. "Speaking of helpful parents, we're actually about to have the little reception and I needed someone to help me set up the cafe. You think you can help"she said, twirling the ends of her hair. That was my trick, I could always get him to do what I wanted with that. I don't know what this little girl was doing but I was about to snatch of my heels and go full ghetto on her.

"Sure, of course"he said. She smiled and walked away, her strong perfume scent following her. Devante looked down at me, seeing my obvious irritated face. "Hey, don't look like that"he said. "How can I not Devante, it's so obvious. She's flirting with you, right in front of my face. I swear if I wasn't pregnant, I would get her myself"I said.

I saw that he was trying to compress a laugh. I didn't want to laugh with him but his laugh was so infectious. "Devante this isn't funny"I said. "I know it's not but seeing you get all territorial about me is kinda sexy"he whispered in my ear. "Nope, it's not gonna work today"I said, backing away from him.

"What, I ain't doing nothing"he said, pulling me back to him. "That think where you try and calm me down by seducing me. Guess what babe, I made up that trick way back in high school. Plus, that's how I got pregnant in the first place"I said. He chuckled, "Okay, you got me"he said. "Go on, go help the tramp out"I said. He suppressed his laughter.

"That was low J"he said. "Whatever, I'll drop her low if she don't stop messing with you"I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, leaving the classroom.


Devante walked down the hall to the cafe, hoping that Karina wasn't pulling some elaborate stunt on him again. Devante hated the huge mistake he made months ago. He hoped when he told Karina to drop it, she would and things would be back to normal. He wasn't so sure at this point. Unbeknownst to Devante, Karina was already in the cafe kitchen, stripped down the lace underwear and bra that she had been saving for him.

She knew they had only been together once, but she was determined to have him as her own. She just wished that Jamila was still gone. Those six months were the best times of her life. As long as she could get Jamila out of the picture, everything would fall into place. Devante walked into the empty cafe, walking to the kitchen where he knew Karina would be.

Karina heard his heavy footsteps, her stomach fluttering at the thought of him seeing her in this. He got into the kitchen, his jaw dropping when he saw what she was wearing. Karina thought that he was amazed by her appearance, thinking of the rough and nasty things he was gonna do to her in 3 minutes tops. In reality, Devante was thinking about how he fell right into this sex trap.

She walked up to him, closing the door behind him. Devante was trying to look at her boobs that were pretty much popping out of the bra she was wearing. She chuckled and held her face, pulling him to her. She locked the door. "I've missed you since the last time we were together"she whispered, kissing his neck.

He groaned when she found his soft spot. She giggled. "Come on baby, you know you want me. We're perfect for each other, why you keep running from me"she said. Devante finally mustered up the strength to pull away from her. "I have a family Karina. My fiancee, my son. Don't you understand that"he yelled.

"Why don't you understand that Jamila is such a horrible mother and fiancee. Who was helping you plan Calvin's birthday party when his mother was out working. Didn't you say that she was barely home with Calvin. If Jamila didn't show up that day to pick him up, I would've thought he didn't have a mother at all"Karina yelled. Devante didn't speak. She walked up to him, wrapping his arms around her waist as she held his face. "She was gone, she left you here with a baby. You were lonely and I just so happened to be there. Don't you think that was meant to. Look at it like this, me and you, living in that big house. Calvin actually has a mother who takes care of him. You have a woman who's there when you need her. Why can't you see what I'm seeing"she said.

He pushed her away from him, starting to get mad. "I was drunk Karina, you took advantage of me"he said. She chuckled, "Devante, everyone knows the liquor is a truth serum. I knew you wanted me from the first day you saw me, it was bound to happen"she said. "You know what Karina, from now on, you're just my son's teacher. We don't speak about what happened and it's now Mr Carter and Miss Tyler. You hear me"he yelled, making Karina jump.

She composed herself, "Of course. No problem Mr Carter"she said. He sighed and left the cafe. He couldn't stay in the same place as her, knowing she had way more up her sleeve. He got back to the classroom, seeing Jamila talking with Tanya's parents and Calvin and Tanya talking with some other friends. He went up to Jamila, pulling her to the side.

"What's going on"she said. "We gotta leave, now"he said, his voice stern and strict. "Wait why, don't we still have to go to that reception thing"she said. "Forget about the reception, Calvin has to get home and go to bed"he said, making up a lie on the spot. Jamila wanted to argue against him but was already tired and ready to go.

"Okay, I'll go get him"she said. She pried Calvin away from Tanya and walked him out of the classroom. Devante was just hoping that tonight was the last trick that would come from Karina.

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