Chapter 20

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Today was Calvin's birthday and I was determined on making today the best birthday ever. He was turning 4. This meant 4 years since I adopted him and made him my son, 4 years since I tried to commit suicide and eventually ended up in a rehab facility. Calvin was a blessing in disguise. As soon as I saw his beautiful face, I knew I had to change, even if he wasn't my son.

Devante was asleep on top of me, laying his head on my stomach. I smiled at the fact that he went into protective dad mode as soon as I told him. Honestly, telling him about baby girl made me feel much better. I wasn't stressing to hide anything from him anymore. Everything seemed good.

I was still thinking about what Devante told me yesterday, everything about not really being there for Calvin. Today was different. Today was the day that most of my attention was going to be on Calvin and not just today. Devante and I told Calvin I wasn't really gonna be here on his birthday since I had to travel to Toronto again to finish some thing for the movie. I told Tiffany to reschedule because today was my son's birthday.

It was around 6:30 and Calvin had to be at in school in about an hour in a half. Devante was just waking up when I started to get out the bed. He pulled me back to him, kissing my stomach. "Good Morning"I whispered. He smiled, "Good Morning"he said.

He yawned, "I gotta go get Calvin up for school. If I didn't, he would be late every day" he said starting to get up. I stopped him, pulling him close to me. "I'll do it"I whispered. He grinned slightly, "You're gonna take Calvin to school"he said. "Yea, don't you think I should"I said.

"Well yeah. I was just saying that because it takes a lot to get him ready. He has to wash up and put on his uniform. He doesn't like the school breakfast so you gotta make him breakfast and he doesn't eat school lunch so you gotta pack his lunch. And he's very picky. Are you sure you can do all of that"he said. I chuckled, "I can"I said. He smiled, "Baby, I know you're still thinking about what I said last night but getting Calvin up in the morning takes a lot of patience. Let me take care of it today"he said. "Devante no, I'm not letting you do it. You've been working non stop to take care of him and I know you're stressed about the party tonight. I'm free all day. I can go run errands for his party right after I drop him off"I said. He smiled lightly, "Okay, you're the boss today. Have fun"he said.

I kissed my teeth before getting up. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and put on my robe. I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to Calvin's room. I opened his door, seeing him sleeping soundly. I closed his door and sat next to him, rubbing his curly head.

He stirred awake, rubbing his eyes. He looked up at me, "Happy Birthday baby boy"I whispered. "Thanks mommy"he said, yawning. "So guess what"I said. He sat up slightly, "Mommy is actually staying with you today. Both me and Daddy will be at your party today"I said.

He smiled, jumped in his bed. I chuckled, "But first we gotta get you ready. Mommy's gonna make you breakfast, pack your lunch and take you to school. Would you like that"I said. He nodded quickly. "Okay baby. Go in the bathroom and turn on the water and get in the tub. Wait for me mommy in the tub okay"I said. He quickly jumped up out of the bed and headed towards the bedroom.

I went to his closet, pulling out his uniform. "Mommy"he said, standing at his bathroom door. "Yes sweetie"I said. "What is in your stomach"he said. I chuckled, putting my hand on my stomach.

"There's a baby in there. In fact, your baby sister is in there"I said. He got excited, "Does she have a name"he said. "She does actually, her name is Camari. She's really excited to meet you and Daddy"I said. "Does she know who I am"he said. "Yea, she hears everything that goes on out here"I said.

He smiled, "No go on, you gotta get ready for school"I said. He ran into the bathroom. After pulling out his outfit, I washed him up and helped him get into his uniform. After he was dressed, we went downstairs. He went in the living room to watch cartoons.

"So, birthday boy. What do you want for breakfast"I said. He got excited just thinking about it. "Pancakes, bacon and eggs"he said. I chuckled, "And any special requests for lunch"I said. "Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich"he said.

I had to remember if he had a peanut allergy or not. "Of course sweetie"I said before going back into the kitchen. While I was making his pancakes and bacon, I packed his peanut butter and jelly sandwich lunch. I quickly cooked his eggs before putting his food on the plate. Devante was just walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning"he said, walking in the kitchen and kissing Calvin before coming over to me. "Daddy, guess what day it is"Calvin said, jumping in his chair. "I know exactly what day it is, it's Calvin's birthday"He said, sitting next to him with a plate. "And guess what"Calvin said, shoving his small cut-up pieces of pancake into his mouth. "What son"Devante said, starting to eat his food.

I grabbed my plate and sat across from Calvin. "Mommy has a baby in her stomach and it's a girl"he said. Devante looked over at me, smiling. "Yea, mommy has a baby girl in her stomach and she's very excited to meet you"he said. I finished my food pretty quickly before going upstairs and taking a shower.

I planned on exposing my pregnancy at Calvin's party tonight so I just put on something over sized. I put on sweatpants and my favorite sweatshirt before going downstairs. I grabbed Calvin's book bag and put his lunchbox inside. Me and Calvin kissed Devante goodbye and left. I got him strapped his car seat and we headed off to the school.

Once we got to the school, I grabbed him and his backpack and headed into the school. I went to his classroom, seeing Tanya's parents already dropping her off. I took him to his seat and gave him kiss before heading to the door. I was really trying to get out of here before Karina's stank tail got up in here. Luckily I got out in time.

Let's just hope this day of playing mommy is gonna work out well.

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