Chapter 24:Like I Want You

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It's been about two weeks since I had the abortion and 3 since I left Devante. Things were still going slow for me. I was adjusting to the aftermaths of an abortion. The constant crying, the urge to drink or the urge to smoke. At one point, I just had to call on Lacey.

Not as my best friend but as my sponsor. It just hasn't been the best time. Damon has pretty much been the only person supporting me after my decision. Ro was the most mad. I haven't seen her since she gave birth about 3 days ago.

Let's just say she was ultra pissed, as well as the rest of my friends. My own sister won't even look me in the face anymore. But just when you think my life couldn't get even harder, I found out that the tramp that slept with my fiancee was now a "mother" to my son is completely flipping my house upside down. I didn't want Calvin to be in an environment like this. I was going back to the house to get Calvin.

Me and Damon were gonna take him out today. Not only to figure out what is happening in that house to actually spend time with my son. We got to the house, I was super nervous. Damon looked over, grabbing my hand. "You sure you wanna do this"he said.

I sighed, looking over at the house I once shared with Devante. "I need to get my son out of there. If everything Tiffany is saying about what's going on in there is true, I need to get him out of there"I said. He nodded to himself. "You want me to go with you"he said. I smiled lightly, "No, I got it. Thank you though"I said.

He nodded. I got out of the car, wrapping arms around myself nervously as I walked to the door. I composed myself before knocking on the door. About a minute later, the door opened. Devante was standing at the door, wearing shorts and no shirt. Jesus he looked amazing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke. "Calvin will be down in a second"he said. I nodded, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You wanna come in"he said. "No, I'm just here to get my son"I said, keeping my voice stern.

He sighed, "How's the baby doin"he said. I sighed, I didn't think I would have to tell him this early. I honestly didn't want to tell him at all. "I had an abortion Devante, two weeks ago. The baby is gone"I said. He got mad quickly, running his his hands down his face.

"Why Jamila, why didn't you talk to me before you made this huge decision" he said. "Why do I have to talk to you. You and your tramp girlfriend are happy together, you have a baby on the way. Obviously this one didn't matter to you so I got rid of it. You should be happy now"I said. I then heard Karina's high pitched voice, making me roll my eyes. She came behind Devante, wearing on of his button up shirts. I know that shirt like the back of my hand, it was in my closet.

I loved sleeping in that thing, it always smelled like him. Was she in my closet. As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up. I smiled as he ran to me and hugged me. "Hi sweetheart"I mumbled as I kneeled down, hugging him.

"I missed you mommy"he said. "I missed you too baby"I said, pulling away and kissing his forehead. "Hey, why don't you go get in the car with Mr Damon. Mommy will be out there in a second"I said. He smiled before running to the car. Damon got out and picked him up, helping him in the back seat.

I looked over at Karina. "I suggest you dress a little more appropriately around my son, you're half naked"I said. "Sweetie, Calvin is my son and I can dress however I want around him. He stopped being your son when I got this rock put on my finger"Karina said, holding out her hand. She was wearing my ring. I looked at Devante, "You gave this slut my ring"I yelled.

"Oh Jamila, you gave it back to him. You said you were done, you said I could have him. I'm just doing what you told me to do"she said, batting her eyelids. I clenched jaw. "You are so lucky that my son is in front of me because I would kill you right here"I said. "Oh try it, I got lawyers on standby. And also, if Calvin isn't back in this house by 7:30, the police will be out for you and your little friend"she said. I got in her face, "Try it because you both will never see me or my son ever again"I said.

I turned around and left, heading back to the car. I got in, breathing deeply. Damon's hand went to my thigh, rubbing it slightly. "You good baby girl"he whispered. I smiled, looking over at him. "Yea, I'm good"I said.

"Mommy, Miss Tyler is mean to me"Calvin whispered. I turned around, facing him in the backseat. "What is she doing sweetie"I said. "She always yells at me when I wanna talk to Daddy and she took everything out of room. She tells me to stay in there all day and doesn't let me out until it's time for dinner. She doesn't pack my lunch and makes bad food. She makes me call her mommy too and spanks me when I don't"he said. I looked over at Damon, his face beyond concerned.

"What does your daddy do"Damon said. "He doesn't do anything, he just let's her do it"he said. I sat back in the seat. Devante was the one who was against spanking Calvin, since he was constantly beat by his dad when he was a kid. Why was he letting some girl do it to my son.

I wiped my tears before looking back at Calvin. "I promise baby, you will never have to go back with Daddy and Miss Tyler. You can stay with me and Mr Damon okay"I said. He nodded. Damon put a smile on his face. "Okay, today is your day. We can go where ever you want"Damon said.

"Can we got eat"he peeped. I could've broken down in tears. "Of course little man"he said. We drove off from the house, heading to a restaurant. Calvin choose McDonalds so we went.

I swear he ate like he hadn't eaten in days. "Calvin sweetie, slow down and chew your food"I said. He stopped stuffing his mouth and chewed, swallowing before talking. "Sometimes Miss Tyler doesn't let me eat. She says when I'm disrespectful, I can't eat"he said, starting to eat again. I was trying to contain the tears that I wanted to release.

When we finished at McDonalds, we went to the park. Me and Damon watched him play around while we sat on the bench. "You really need to get him out of that house"he said. I couldn't hold it any longer, I sobbed into my hands. "Hey hey, it's okay"he said, pulling me into his arms.

"How could someone do that to a four year old. Lock them in their room and not feed them. That's beyond cruel"I said. He rubbed my hair, holding me close. I pulled away wiping my eyes. "We can get him out of there. I have some lawyers that can get him out of that house"he said.

"No, I need Karina out of the picture period. She needs to pay for what she's doing to my son"I said. "Like I said, I can get a hold of some lawyers but it's gonna take a few days to get a hold of them"he said. I nodded to myself, "That's fine, I'll deal with it in the meantime"I said. After the park, we went to the park and the movies. Eventually it got dark and Calvin was getting sleepy.

We headed back to the house. I got out of the car, getting Calvin out of his car seat and and grabbing his bag. We walked to the door, knocking on it. Karina and Devante were about to get a lot from me. Devante opened the door, getting ready to talk before I stopped them.

"Where's Karina"I said. "Wait, what"he said. "Don't play dumb, where Karina"I said. "Baby, who's at the door"I heard, it was Karina. "Thank you, I found the trick"I said,pushing past him and walking into the house.

"This for hurting my son"I said, before slapping her hard across her face. "Calvin, go up stairs and pack all your stuff. Mommy has some stuff to handle"I said as Karina cried on the floor. He ran up the stairs, Devante followed him. Karina started to get up but I kicked her back down before she got up. "You think you hit and starve my son and I won't do something, you really don't know who you're messing with"I said.

I kicked at her repeatedly as she sobbed. I got a few punches in, making a few bruises and scratches. I got up, seeing her ball herself up and cry. "You can ask anybody, I kill people who mess with me or my family. The next time I hear you've done anything to Calvin, I will hunt you down and kill you myself"I said. Calvin and Devante came downstairs, holding most of Calvin's things.

I grabbed his bags. Devante kneeled in front of him. "You know I love you son and I'm sorry for everything that's been happening"he said. Calvin nodded. Devante looked up at me, tears in his eyes.

"You're gonna have to stay with Mommy and her friend while I work out some stuff back here okay"he said. Calvin nodded. Devante hugged him tightly. I wiped my own tears. Devante got up, walking over to me as he held Calvin's hand.

"Take care of my son for me"he said. I nodded, "You know I will"I said. He sniffed, "I'm really sorry Jamila"he said. I nodded as I grabbed Calvin's hand and left. I put his things in the car and got him in his car seat, leaving quickly.

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