Another Conversation

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5:00 A.M.

Koucchan: Octavia, are you there?

Kou, what is it? :Octavia

Koucchan: Are you really up for
                       this, going to the training

Yeah, I have made up my mind. :Octavia

I'm taking this as an opportunity :Octavia
to see the world with my                 
own eyes.                 

Also, Nishinoya wanted me to :Octavia
watch the team practice. I can't                   
turn him down, you know that.                  

Koucchan: I do.

Koucchan: Just, don't over do it.

I won't worrywart. :Octavia

What did Nii-chan :Octavia
told you exactly?                 

Koucchan: A lot of things.

I see then. :Octavia

I have to go now, Koucchan. :Octavia
Nishinoya is already on his                 
way here.                 

Koucchan: Okay, I'll be seeing you
                       later then.

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