See the light

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Saito Octavia’s POV

“Octavia-san! Octavia-san, over here!” Nishinoya calls out upon seeing me and a smile made its way across my face as I jog my way to where he and Tanaka are at, as I do so, I notice someone watching me from the sidelines, in meeting familiar hazel-brown eyes, and it was from there, time seems to stop momentarily.

And it was then, I couldn’t fully look at him in the eyes anymore. “I’m sorry for taking so long to get here.” I apologized as soon as I arrived at where Nishinoya and Tanaka stood with the addition of Yamamoto who is Nekoma’s wing spiker, currently in a daze.

“It’s no problem at all, Octavia-san!” Nishinoya said with Tanaka and then Yamamoto nodding their heads. “Right! Right!”

I smiled at the three before shortly glancing to where Koucchan is and from what I can tell, I can no longer hide anything from his observing gaze.

Sugawara Koushi.

He is a childhood friend of mine, and I see him as a brother figure. We used to play together when we were little, he would always be by my side when I needed help and comfort, he would tend to visit and would take care of me when I’m sick in my brother's absence.

In every picture, Koucchan would always be there.

Aside from my family, he is the very first person who has known my background story, and it was from there onwards. We made a promise to attend the same school together, so we can support each other, and he could also watch over me. He is a bigger worrywart compared to Nii-chan.

But it was only up to elementary, everything changed during middle school. A lot had happened back then and it was definitely a huge obstacle for me, and right after I graduated. I get to continue my promise with Koushi, leading to where we are now, although I chose to keep a slight distance because I still felt bad for pushing him away before, and using social media as our way of communication while on school grounds.

I hardly ever talk with anyone aside from communicating with a few friends and my family, but because of social media, it became the bridge between Nishinoya and me, and if he and Tanaka didn’t send me a friend request on Facebook, I wouldn’t be able to get to meet and know everyone here better.

If I decided to be bedridden way back then, I wouldn’t be where I stand right now.

“Octavia-san, is something wrong?” I instantly snap out of my thoughts in hearing Nishinoya’s voice. “You’re staring into space.”

“Gomen, I just have a lot in mind lately.” I smiled sheepishly.

“Octavia-san, here is the meat you asked for!” I then turn to look at Tanaka and Yamamoto holding out a plate with a pile of meat on it, serving it as a butler would've, and it took me by surprise. “The three of us saved it from potential thieves!” Nishinoya added proudly with a toothy grin across his lips.

“Wait a minute! I can’t eat that much!” I immediately start to protest.

My Facebook Messenger Boyfriend (Nishinoya Yuu) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now