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Maya watches as Scarlette plays with the two year old Lucy before glancing back at her best friend sitting in front of her.
Of course she found out about Scarlette's father and Maya didn't want to hide either.

"Listen, shouldn't you and Lucy head home?" Maya asked as she moved her attention away from her kids.
"I'm sorry Uncle Shawn couldn't take het like he said. But I can."
"Riles, no. You are 33 weeks pregnant with a boy. I can't have you take a seven year old. Scarlette," Maya said as het daughter came to her.

"Do you know who the man was who was with you?" Maya asked and Scarlette nod.
"It was Daddy," Scarlette said and Maya looked at her best friend.
"You and Lucy out of here. I want to talk to my daughter alone," Maya said as Riley picked up her two year old.
"Okay. Call me later," Riley said and was off.

Maya exhales as she pulls Scarlette on her lap.
She was surprised she could still lift up the young girl since she was now seven years old almost eight and her mother couldn't actually do that for much longer.

"Daddy didn't know about you. Sweetie, your dad tried to forget about what happened," Maya said.
"I was just fourteen years old when I found out about you. That doesn't mean you are not loved. You are. He just didn't know and I didn't want to bother too much. I wanna tell your father about you. Is that okay?" Maya asked and Scarlette nodded as response to it is.
"Okay. I'm going to let you be here and introduce you to Dad. He won't be mad and he'll love to know he has a little girl. What I can also tell you is that you are so much more loved and you, my girl, are going to love Dad. Just as much as he loves you," Maya said.


Josh knocked on the door as he went in seeing Maya was busy keeping the girl he saw earlier at school busy with a piece of paper.
Maya smiled as she saw Josh showing him to come in.

"I have someone I want to officially introduce you to. Josh, this is your daughter, Scarlette. This is your dad, Sweetie," Maya said as Josh looked at Maya.
"Hi, Scarlette," Josh said sitting down next to the girl.

Of course he was shocked but freaking out with a seven year old would not be good so he needed to be calm.

"Scarlette, why don't you go to Uncle Paul and ask him to take you to Aunt Louisa. I'll be there in a second. Don't talk to strangers and if someone tries something scream as hard as you can. Someone will come and help you," Maya said as her daughter was off.
"You're raising her good," Josh said smiling.
"Thanks. But it's not my doing. It's thanks to your family. They helped me to be able to finish up high school while having a kid," Maya said as she took a breathe.
"I'll tell you what, Scarlette. Why don't we go and get some ice cream while your mom does some work?" Josh asked and Scarlette looks at Maya.
"Go. I'll text you an address where you can drop her off," Maya said and the two of them were gone.

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