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Maya looked as her daughter and her boyfriend were playing with some of her old toys she had gotten.
Josh definitely was a good father to Scarlette and even if she wasn't back then she was glad he is back in their lives.
Now she can at least say she did try to get her father involved.

"You guys could do with a break," Maya said as she handed Josh a cup of coffee and her daughter some hot chocolate.
"Okay," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"Okay, Scarlette. Think you can have some screen time. Why don't you go and put Nemo on for you? You can watch just that then we have to get ready to go to Uncle Cory's," Maya said as her daughter went to her bedroom.

"She's a sweet girl. Am I lucky I decided to begin at the job earlier. She really is something," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"Your niece is rubbing off on her. Princesses are Scarlette's favorite. She has had a princess themed bedroom since she was three years old. You can't get her to like anything else. And Cinderella is her absolute favorite," Maya said and Josh smiled.
"A mini Riley? At least she looks like her mother. You raised her well, Maya. She is definitely more spoiled than anyone else," Josh said.

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