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Maya and Scarlette came through the hospital as she directly went to reception.
Asking Riley's room number she and Scarlette goes through the hospital and right into a room finding Riley in a bed with Lucas beside her.

"Knock, knock," Maya said as Riely smiled.
"You're here," Riley said smiling as Scarlette came to the bed.
"Look, Scar. It's a baby," Lucas said and Maya smiled at his nickname for her daughter.

"Say hello to Joseph Matthew Friar," Riley said and Maya smiled.
"He's precious, Riles. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling," Maya said.
"But you had me, Mama," Scarlette said causing her mother to laugh.
"Wanna hold him, Peaches?" Riley asked.
"Of course," Maya said as Riley carefully handed the newborn to her best friend.

"Hello, Joseph. Welcome to the family," Maya said smiling as she sat down in the chair next to Riley's bed.
"Scarlette, come here," Maya said as her daughter slowly came to her.
"Baby Jo," Scarlette said and Maya smiled as her daughter lightly stroke his cheek with her finger.

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