I Love You So Much

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Maya steps out of the theater with Josh following her.
She smiles as she didn't think he would actually do something like that but goodness knows why he did chose it.

"Didn't know you like dancing. Or is it for some other reason that we just went to a dancing performancing?" Maya asked and Josh smiled.
"You told me one of your big dreams was to dance. And that one day you would open a studio where you would teach dancing. Why didn't you ever do that?" Josh asked and Maya laughed at the comment.
"Because I had a kid at fifteen. When you go through that you don't have time for stuff like dancing. All dancing I ever did was when I took Scar to dance classes when she was five," Maya said.
"I admire you actually for all of that. Taking care of a kid at 15," Josh said.
"Well someone had to do it and I wasn't going to give her up. Not in a lifetime," Maya said and Jskh smiled at the young woman.
"What you smiling at?" Maya asked.
"At you, Gorgeous. I love you," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"I love you too," Maya said as Josh pulled her in close for a soft yet passionate kiss.

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