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Juliet | 16 | 2 years ago

I don't know what I was thinking that night.

Sneaking out to my boyfriend's house at midnight was supposed to be fun right? Wrong. It wasn't fun. And as I stood in front of him, nervously fiddling with my skirt, I didn't know what my mistake would actually cost me.

Jason has been my boyfriend since January, when he randomly kissed me at our house when he was over watching a football game with my brother. Of course, Julian wasn't too happy about that. But who would be when one of your best friends started dating your twin sister?

A slight breeze hovered across the room, ruffling my brown curls and my skirt slightly as I looked up at Jason. His light brown hair flopped messily over his head and his blue eyes glared down at me, carefully studying my face as anger started clouding him.

"I saw you talking to Louis today. Care to explain that?" He asked.

It was clear he was trying to control himself. But I knew him too well. He was an extremely jealous and possessive person. Which my brother didn't like at all. I hated how my relationship with Jason effected their friendship, but Julian couldn't tell me who to be with... right?

"I had to give him his French homework, Jason. So I had to talk to him." I explained slowly, trying to figure out if I was going to get out of this unscathed or not.

I could smell the alcohol laced in his breath as he stepped closer to me, breathing down on me in angry pants. I watched his naked chest rise and fall rapidly, his fists trembling at his sides.

"Bullshit!" He snapped. "Are you cheating on me with him?"

My eyes widened and I started shaking my head.

"No of course not Jason! I wouldn't do that to you, you know that." I stated impatiently. I didn't risk being grounded for life for this. My parents would freak out on me if they knew where I was. Luckily I had an amazing twin brother to cover for me.

"No I don't know that!" He spat, sending more whiffs of rum flavoured breaths my way.

"Jason stop it! It's my birthday. Are we really going to argue?" I asked sweetly, lifting my hand up to cup his cheek. Jason's eyes flashed in anger as my skin made contact with his and his hand shot up to grip my wrist.

I gasped as he yanked me towards him, pulling me flush against his body.

"You're lying to me." His voice was dangerously low as his fingers dug into my skin. I flinched at the sharp pain his fingernails caused and tried pulling my wrist from his grip.

"I'm not lying!" I defended myself.

I really wasn't lying. Jason thought I cheated on him with everyone I talked to. But this is the first time he's been drunk while taking me on about it. And I have to say that I didn't like it at all. Even more so with the sudden change in his mood.

"I think I should be getting home now." I said softly, but his arm wrapped around my waist and held me in place.

"You want to go to him huh? Want to spend your birthday with him?" He asked furiously.

"No! I just want to go home! You're scaring me." I admitted as my wide eyes met his.

An evil smirk formed on his face as he tugged me towards his bed. "Jason stop it!" I rushed, not in the mood for one of his drunken make out sessions right now. It was always difficult to get him to stop and know that I wasn't ready for sex yet.

When he didn't answer me I tried again. "Let me go! I'm going home!" I cried in a panicked state.

"Just shut up!" He yelled. Before I could register what was happening, his fist connected with my temple and I flew back onto the bed, my hand immediately cupping my eye to try and soothe the pain.

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