Chapter 3

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I glared at the young, pretty math teacher that sat on top of her desk facing me. I smirked, making it obvious that I was staring at her thighs.

She was hot. Obviously.

"Noah." she began. Her voice was softer then usual and sounded caring and motherly. Which instantly irretated me.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes?" I asked. I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. I needed a cigarette. And I know Nicole and Jason was waiting for me under the bleachers to skip math so we could smoke.

Math sucked anyway. No body uses it after highschool so why should I waste my time with it now? Plus... there's only so many classes I could handle with her.

"You're failing, Noah. You've been skipping class too much and you don't even bother writing your tests." She started.

"Yeah so what?" I asked.

"If you fail another class you're failing the entire year Noah. Which means you're not graduating." She explained.

I have to admit. That caused a serge of panic to course through me. But it died down immidiately as I forced my usual numbness out of me.

"Look can you get to the point already?" I spat, making her eyes soften. She felt pity for me. And I hated it when people felt pity for me.

Which made me want to get out of this class as soon as possible.

"You need a tutor. And I know the perfect person to do it." She said, trying to perk up my mood.

I scoffed. "And who would that be?" I asked.

"Juliet. She's a star in this class. She feels a passion for the language and she can truly help you." She said.

As soon as her name reached my ears I felt my blood begin to boil.

Juliet Johnson was hated by me with the utmost passion and everyone knew that.

She was always so happy and carefree and she always smiled. And I hated it. She didn't deserve to always be as happy as she was. And that's why I couldn't stand being near her.

"There's not a fucking chance in hell." I spat and shot up from my seat. I glared at Mrs. Houston.

"You're going to fail, Noah! I can't pass you like I did last year." She tried arguing.

I scoffed and strolled to the door. "I'm not getting a tutor. Aspecially not her. If you want to fail me then that's fine. But I will not ever voluntarily spend time with the bitch. Ever." I spat and exited the class, slamming the door shut behind me.


"Oh come on! One of them has to come up for air eventually." Everest groaned beside me.

We were currently sitting in the cafeteria, trying to eat our food but we couldn't stop staring at the gross display of affection on the other side of the room.

"I'm surprised her extentions haven't been ripped out yet." Vee retorted, popping a french fry in her mouth.

Across the cafeteria, directly in our line of vision... Noah and Nicole was swallowing each other's spit as he pressed her against the wall.

How could they do that in front of everyone?! They were practically raping each other in front of the entire school.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I mumbled as Noah's hand slipped inside her shirt.

"How could she allow him to touch her like that in front of the entire student body?" Ev asked in disgust.

"Probably because she's a slut and an attention whore." Vee retorted.

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