Chapter 12

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The rain around us fell hard on the ground, sending mist to rise up from the ground casting an early aura on the grave yard.

Thunder sounded lightly as the lightning lit up the sky, making me jump everytime as my wet hair clung to the side of my face and neck.

It was cold, but the walls around us held up by the stone pillars blocked some of the wind from biting our skin.

"We'll just have to wait it out." Noah said softly.

I felt sorry for him. He gave me his hoody to wear but it was now drenched in rain like the rest of our bodies. It was freezing.

"Yeah." I said softly, hugging myself to try and keep warm beneath the wet clothes.

Noah fished around in his back pocket and pulled out a pack of ciggarattes and a lighter. He groaned loudly and threw them to the ground.

"Perfect. Just fucking perfect." He said as he glared at the soggy pack of smokes.

I sighed and turned to walk around the chappel type of thing. It was small and cramped so there wasn't much space to walk around.

"What are you doing?" he asked just as I spotted the bottom half of a broken pillar to sit on.

"Sitting down." I said as I planted my butt firmly on the cold stone.

He glanced back at me and sighed. He walked over to me and sat down next to the pillar on the stone ground.

It was awkward. Extremely awkward actually. Aspecially after this afternoon when he stormed out of my house after seeing the picture of Julian.

"So..." I said softly, unsure if I should actually speak or not.

"So what?" He asked curtly, glaring at me.

I sighed and shook my head. "We're going to be stuck here for a while. Might as well try to be nice." I mumbled.

"Nice isn't in my vocabulary." He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. I took the time to study his face. Drops of water slid down his face. And then the bruise caught my eye.

It was new. I could tell by the light blue swollen skin under his eye. And I knew that it would look bad tomorrow.

"What happened?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow at me and shrugged his shoulders to let me know he didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

"Your eye. Did someone hit you?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "No I fell into a pillow. Of course someone fucking hit me. How else would I get a bruise on my face?" He snapped.

I frowned and looked away from him, directing my attention to the cracks in the ground underneath my feet.

"Was it your dad?" I asked softly. So soft I wasn't even sure if he would be able to hear me.

"W-what?" He asked, obviously shocked.

"Did your dad hit you again?" I asked, a bit louder this time.

Suddenly he was up on his feet, gripping my arms and yanking me up on mine. Our faces were mere inches appart. He was so close I could feel his breath fanning my face as he breathed harshly.

"How do you know about that?" He demanded. He was glaring down at me, his eyes meeting mine with an emotion I couldn't desypher.

"J-julian told me about it." I said softly.

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