Party at Sway

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Giuliana's POV
We walking into the party together and you can smell the alcohol. I see Anthony and I run to him, I give him a big hug and he hugs me tight. He told me to come with him so he can introduce me to someone special. "Hey Avani, this is my best friend giuliana!" Anthony said. "Hi I've heard so much about you, I am so happy to meet you. Come follow me I'll introduce you to the other girls." She says. I follow her and she introduces me to mads, nessa, Addison, Dixie and Charli. We all end up hanging out until this girl comes to ruin it all. Her name was Daisy turns out that's Taylers ex (just pretend it is lol).

"Oh so your the new girl in his life." She says. "Don't worry sweetheart I'll have him back" she says again. I kinda just look at the girls confused and they told me who she was. I went to go look for Tayler because I am honestly over this party, especially since daisy wanted to be rude.

I end up finding Tayler with the guys and I hold his hand. He turns and smiles. "Hey babe" he says and kisses me. "Hey, so I met daisy and I'm really not in the mood to be here anymore. Can we leave." I say. "Anything for you babygirl" he says.

As we were leaving we see daisy in the front. She comes up to us. "So Tayler when are you gonna leave her and come to me" she says. "That's never going to happen, I love this girl. She is my everything, she makes me happy, she is my safe place" he says. "Oh honey, when you realize Anthony comes before you, you'll be coming back to me" she says. We walk away. Tayler didn't say anything to me while we were in this car.

We get back to our apartment and we head to his. He still doesn't say anything "Tayler what's wrong?!" I said. "Nothing" he says kinda in a mean tone. "Tayler don't lie to me, something is wrong tell me" I said. " I hate the fact that daisy is right. Anthony will always come first before me and you don't even care about it" he yells "what do you mean, of course I care about you. What are you talking about. Anthony is my best friend. I can't ever lose him again" I said. "That's my point, he will always come first. What if we both need you. What if it's at the same time. Who are you going to pick? I know for a fact it won't be me. It will always be him." He says. "If your going to fight me on my best friend because your ex got into your head then I'm leaving. Why don't you talk to your friend Anthony and ask him what happened last time I picked my boyfriend over my best friend. I can't believe you right now. I thought you were so much better then this. You seem to be taking daisy side instead of listening to me. Maybe you should be with her again." I said. I didn't mean the last part about being with her again but I was mad. "Fine I will. I don't need this. I don't need you. Get out I'm having daisy over. She will pick me over her friends anyway." He says.

With that I walk out. I didn't realize I'm crying but I am. I get into my apartment I text Anthony.

Me: please come to my house. I need my best friend right now. Tayler and I got into a fight about you and I. Please.
Baby reeves 🖤 : I'm on my way. Leave the door unlocked.
Anthony finally arrives and I tell him everything. He's so mad that he keeps pacing around my room. "Anthony please sit. Just sit with me." I say. He sits down and we start to hear something from the other side of the wall. It's moaning. I hear fucking moaning. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" Anthony says and with that he's running out the door with me chasing him.

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